Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Baseball Spring Training 3/20/2013

Good Morning,
Starting my day with some Door County Cherry Creme Coffee. I drink many flavors, but I must admit that when I want  a cup of comfort coffee I go to the Cherry Creme.

It won't be long until baseball season begins. All the teams are now participating in "spring training".
When I think about baseball and picture a game I see a pitcher and a hitter squaring off. I see 8 other players in the field, three bases and a home plate. The goal of the hitter is to hit the ball and go base by base until he gets to home plate. At each base the hitter can be called out as he heads to the next base. He strives to get to home plate. Once he steps on home plate he is home and scores. The score cannot be removed. He is safe!

I see a person's journey in life the same way. We start at the plate and go through life. We know there will be an end but we all want to get home with a score.

For me heaven is the safe home. A hitter can jog around the bases not worrying about being tagged out if he hits a home run. Jesus hit that home run for us.

John 3:16

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Why worry about making it home? Invite Jesus in today.
Pray and invite Jesus into your heart today.
"Jesus, I believe that you are the holy Son of God. I believe that you died on the cross for my sins and that you rose from the dead. You are my salvation. Please wash all my
sins away and make me a child of God. I give my life to you today.

Have a great day.

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