Thursday, November 8, 2012

Hot Dogs Cure for Lonleliness11/8/2012

Good Morning, The Coffey today is Door County Buttered Rum,
Hey we are over the hump and headed into the weekend. I hope none of you are having election commercial withdrawals. Anyone missing those political phone calls? If you are that lonely this message is for you.
    A couple years ago our church held an outdoor service and invited the civil servants of the church and community along with service men and women from our armed forces to praise and worship with us. The church also took the time to thank these fine men ad women and extend a heartfelt tribute to them and their work. It was attended well and I remember thinking that an outdoor service was not the best thing for a guy with thinning hair. (It was quite hot and sunny). Well after the service the church served a lunch of hot dogs, chips and beverages. I noticed that very few people left after the service but almost everyone stayed for lunch. Never being one to pass up a free lunch my wife and I  stayed also. About a hot dog or two later, I try not to count or watch what my wife eats, (Ha) I noticed that no one was leaving. Everyone was staying and chatting, kids were swinging. Wow fellowship at it's best.
    The following week my wife Laurene and I went North to visit my parents. The plan was to watch the small town parade and eat what the Lion's Club was cooking at the town pavilion. Well the parade was great. But I couldn't wait for the end to come as I had bratwurst on my mind. Much to my dismay right after the parade I found out that my bratwurst would not be served for another hour or so. Argh! My mother knew we were hungry and she really didn't want to wait either. My cousin and her family happened to be watching the parade with us and they too were not in bratwurst happy land. My mother suggested that she had plenty of hot dogs, potato chips along with pickles and cold beverages and that we should all go out to their home and she would whip them up pronto. Well we all ate and there was plenty of this simple lunch. We visited  with my cousin and her family and before we knew it many hours had passed. We had the best of times. So I thought what is the message here? My brother often invites us over for birthdays and holidays. He always throws a feast. But why do I remember the hot chocolate with his family on the sledding hill most? Or why do I fondly remember hot dogs, kickball and chips with his family and mine on Fathers day? Why do I cherish time spent on Sunday mornings before church with one of my friends eating toast or sweet rolls? Well? It was unplanned!!! That's why. We just got together and enjoyed simple hospitality. Now in the book of Romans God talks about hospitality.Romans 12:9-13 Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good. Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love,, rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer, distributing to the needs of one another, given to hospitality. Throughout the Old Testament and New Testament God speaks about being friendly, entertaining strangers, two are better than one, Good Samaritans etc. The list goes on and on. I came to this conclusion. We are only as lonely as we choose to be. Someone would love to share a hot dog meal with us. A cup of coffee and a piece of cake. Hospitality does not have to be elaborate. We have what we have. Your home is your home. Open it up! Don't wait for someone to invite you. Be first. the best of times are the simple ones. The ones best remembered. You see a pack of hot dogs may cost two to three dollars, buns run seventy five cents to a dollar and a half, a little ketchup, a little mustard another two dollars, a cold glass of lemonade another dollar, the memories and fun priceless!  God bless you all as you open your homes. You are only as lonely as you choose to be!   Marty


  1. Marty, your choice of Scripture couldn't have been more appropriate for me at this moment. Keep letting God feed you His word and thanks for sharing it with us.

  2. Thanks for the encouragement Jeff. You are a close friend, closer than a brother. God bless.

  3. Not only do I love the blogs but I also am blessed and encouraged to read the comments people post.
