Sunday, December 30, 2012

Two are better than one. 12/30/2012

Good morning,

Where I live it is very cold today. My cup is filled with the last of my Door County Maple Coffee. I have held on to it for a day like today. I hope to find a shop that has some left. Can't wait for their fall flavors to come again.

I went out early with my two dogs Fritz and Gibbs. While they ran around, I brought in the fire wood for today. As I was stumbling through the snow with my arms full of wood I thought about a few things.
1. I am blessed to have a fire place.
2. I am blessed to have wood to burn.
3. I am blessed to have a friend who also likes to cut fire wood.

Now don't get me wrong. I really do not mind chores but the chore of cutting, splitting and stacking fire wood is often times a big chore. My friend and I enjoy doing that together, We meet at a designated spot, start the saws, cut for awhile, drink some coffee, split the wood and then load each other's vehicles. I then go home and stack the wood, many times my wife will come out to assist. My family also stacks fire wood for my Dad who needs much more of it than we do. Stacking it alone takes a few days. Anyway my point is this. It is much more enjoyable when you share tasks with others. It goes quicker and you both see the fruits of your labor. Friends enjoy friends. Help each other, share what you have. Life is too short not to.  We eat a lot of stews and soup in the winter. I must say they are delicious. Even soup tastes better when eaten with someone. Enjoy the company of someone today. Share some soup, coffee, help your friend with a chore and read the Bible together.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

New International Version (NIV)
9 Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their labor:
10 If either of them falls down,
one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
and has no one to help them up.
You are as lonely as you choose to be.
God bless,

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