Saturday, February 20, 2021

What Would He Do? 2/20/2021

 Good Morning,

The sunshine is has shown this morning. It's not all that cold outside and I have a fresh mug of Door County Gingerbread Spice Latte Coffee next to me to warm my bones. It' is time to write. 

Back in the 1980's I had just started working with our church youth group. To say that most of the kids knew more about the Bible than I did was an understatement to say the least. I started to notice that a lot of the kids began wearing rubber bracelets with W.W.J.D. on them. They came in many colors and kids would wear as many as they could place on a wrist. I have always been slow to catch on to any fad and I actually had to ask a kid what they letters stood for. She looked at me like I was seven kinds of stupid and pointed to each letter and said. "What Would Jesus Do".  I never did own one of these bracelets but I did think it was a good way to get the point across of asking if something was morally correct by asking yourself "What Would Jesus Do"? 

1 Peter 2:21 For to this you have been called , because also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow His steps. 

That fad hung around for a few years but seems to have died out now. I could be wrong on that.  But the concept is still valid. When faced with the encounters and questions of life to ask "What Would Jesus Do"? is still a solid sounding board. If we really took to heart the phrase and tested our moral compass against what Jesus would do or would not do the list is very plain. 

Jesus would forgive and does. Jesus would not approve of murder (abortion). Jesus would choose to be kind. He would love His neighbor. He would be honest and truthful. He would be faithful. He would work hard. He would be thankful. He would choose compassion. He would share. He would respect others. Friends, help me to complete this list please, because it seems to be endless. 

The question for today is not necessarily "What Would Jesus Do". But what will you do?  Food for thought this fine Saturday,


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