Friday, February 12, 2021

Chain Reaction Once It Starts!!! 2/12/2021

 Good Morning, 

One more day in the deep freeze of winter and a little snow to top it off. My mug was just filled with very hot Door County Blackberry Shortcake Coffee and now it is time to write. 

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding.

Yesterday in the United States in the State of Texas there occurred a chain reaction automobile accident of epic proportions. It involved 100 trucks and cars. The last I heard 5 people died, and many were injured. From the video shown on the news there were trucks and cars strewn all over the place. The twisted metal intertwined vehicles into one huge mess. 

Weather was to blame for this one. Sheer ice had gripped the roads in an area where they weren't prepared for it. I am not sure if we will ever know exactly how it started. But coming from an area that has a lot of icy roads, all it took yesterday is for one or two vehicles to start to slide on the ice and next thing you know there is a huge tragedy. My wife Rene and I stopped to pray and lift up those not rescued yet, the families who would later find out that they lost a loved one. We prayed for the rescue workers and the hospitals who would be overwhelmed. 

My point is this. The roads were slippery beyond slippery and it only took one or two to start the chain reaction.  I think we can apply a lesson here. Our actions on any given day can start a chain reaction between friends, or family. For instance if a person cheats on his or her time at work and is caught "stealing" they might lose their job. Then the family is subject to the loss of income and they have to make adjustments in their lifestyle or worse. The cheating at work launched a chain reaction. That first experiment with drugs leads very often to a chain reaction for families. 

We need to always remember that our choices actually do impact others. Like the vehicles yesterday the accident didn't stop until it was over. So my friends be wise in the choices you make and consider others before making the decision. God bless,


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