Friday, September 13, 2019

You Can't Tame A Wild Rose 9/13/2019

Good Morning,

Friday arrived for me and the winds of change are blowing again. I poured a cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee and a prayer is on my lips. Prayer and Coffee are the prefect combination for my mood today.

Ephesians 5:2 And walk in love as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a fragrant offering to the Father.

Not long ago I was shopping for a couple roses for my wife. The florist had some beautiful long stem red roses for sale. I purchased a couple  and admired their beauty. They were well groomed and I believe they were raised on a flower farm in excellent conditions. While driving home I recalled the wild yellow roses that used to adorn our yard at our first home. You could trim them down and they would come back stronger. They would grow under and over fences and reach into our neighbors yard. They had some thorns, the stems weren't long and the flowers weren't sleek like expensive roses. When they bloomed they turned the back yard into a yellow fence.

Here is my point. No matter what we did we couldn't groom or tame these wild roses. Now these roses weren't desired by flower shops yet they held a kind of beauty that could only be theirs. Once you got past the fact that they didn't have a great rose pedigree you could appreciate the beauty they brought into the world, their way, and their style. What they added was color, fragrance and a natural barrier.  There was no changing them into something they could never be. You had to accept them for what they were and place value on their gift to the world.

Not everyone meets up to the many standards we aspire to as a world. We can't look beyond the "pedigree and accomplishments" to see the beauty they bring to the table. We tend to want to change people to conform to our ideas on what they should be or do. You can't tame a wild rose nor should you want to. You can't change most people and you shouldn't even try. Look at them through God's eyes and see why He loves them as much as He loves everyone else. Just the way they are.

Food for thought,


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