Thursday, September 19, 2019

Finding The Right Fit 9/10/2019

Good Morning,

Door County Caramel Apple Coffee just splashed into my mug. My thoughts are with some relatives of ours. One of my cousins passed away and I could not attend the funeral yesterday. Health reasons had me grounded and driving would have been quite difficult and best to not try a 5 hour drive for a few days. My thoughts and prayers are with her family.

I have purchased a few hats in my lifetime. Not only should a hat be one that you like, but it should fit just perfectly. A hat that is too tight just plain causes irritation. One that fits too loosely can cause issues with your sight and can easily blow off in the wind.

It's the same way with jobs. spouses, houses or cars. We always need to find the right fit for us. Now when I look to purchase a car I do some research on the cars or trucks I might desire. Then I go and test drive some until I find one that I can afford and is a good fit for my purposes. I do like to talk to a few mechanics and get their opinions. I consult the experts.

Proverbs 1:23 I will pour out my Spirit to you. I will make My words known unto you.

Why is it that most people rely on their good judgement instead of God's when they look for a spouse? What would be wrong with asking God to lead you to a spouse and let you know when you have the right one?  After all He is the expert on love. The time we spent in prayer to find the right person will probably be less than the time it takes to divorce the wrong choice. We need to invest time in prayer for our children's eventual spouses when they are very young. This can start immediately after their birth. It is never too early to ask God to provide a Godly spouse for our kids or grand children. As much as a bad hat is a pain, the wrong spouse can be worse. If we set our sights on a fellow believer and a Godly person the right fit is over half way there. That should be our first prayer and a definite requirement in our prayers.

Food for thought?


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