Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Just Sharing A Cup Of Coffee 9/25/2017

Good Morning,

I just came in from being outside with our two dogs Gibbs and Leo. They were happy to be running around in some cool weather. We are looking at some hot unseasonable weather ahead in the next few days. I just poured myself a cup of Door County Jamaican Me Crazy Coffee and now it is time to write.

For years I would take my Thermos Bottle Of Coffee to work. Each night before bed time I would set the coffee maker to start brewing at 4:30 AM. Once the coffee was finished brewing I would pour myself a cup of the brew of the day and write this blog. I then would place the pot on the stove to heat it some more until it was almost boiling. I would pour it into  my trusty insulated bottle and take it to work. The leftover coffee was still hot at the end of the day. This was done every work day for about 40 years. And yes it was the same bottle for all those years. On weekends I would do the same even though I wasn't working. The bottle would travel with me to the garage if I was working on something in there or with me while running around town. A different bottle would goes with me when I hunt because I utilize camouflage equipment for those days.

I hardly ever drank the whole bottle myself. Nor do I drink the whole bottle while hunting. I always take extra to share with others.

One of the things I enjoyed when first arriving at work was to share a cup of coffee with my friend and administrative assistant. We would exchange good mornings and both wash our coffee mugs. Then we would pour a hot cup of coffee and set out on the duties of the day. It is the biggest thing I miss being retired now. I now only brew a half of a pot of coffee and the bottle doesn't get filled anymore, unless I am traveling a long distance.  M wife Rene dislikes any coffee. Her charge for the morning is Dr. Pepper. I can't see soda doing much for a body on a cold day. But to each there own.

Hebrews 13:16 And do not forget to do good and share with others, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. 

During the day if someone would come to my office I would offer them a cup of very good coffee. Some people would take me up on the offer and others didn't. It just seemed to me that having something to share made each meeting more pleasant or broke the ice on a difficult meeting.

We pride ourselves on being able to do the same thing in our home. It is only polite to offer a visitor something to drink or eat when they come for pleasure or business.  Sharing is caring and for me and  caring should always set the tone of the day. A day that starts well has the better potential to end well. So my days always start with prayer and coffee. I then look for something to share. Since coffee would be refused by my wife I made her a plate of fruit and yogurt for breakfast. I will be busy today on a boat project outside in our garage. But she will find that I made a big breakfast, enough for two and hers is in the refrigerator. She will come outside later to check on me with a hot mug of coffee for me and a Dr. Pepper in her hand. We will exchange greetings and chit chat, then we will go on about our chores or projects.

So today my friends, plan on sharing something with others and show them that at the moment, they are the most important person in the room and you are glad to see them.


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