Monday, January 14, 2019

The New Bicycle A Sense Of Encouragement 1/14/2019

Good Morning,

My day started with prayer and a cup of Door County Frosting In The Cup Coffee. It is damp and dreary here, but we haven't had the wrath of winter show it's head yet in these parts. We are in a snow drought.

As of late, my writings have been heavy and strongly worded. God laid on my heart to send a word of encouragement to all of you today.

Isaiah 41:13 New King James Version (NKJV)
Saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’

13 For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand,

Yesterday I watched a young couple and their oldest daughter who would be four to five years old try out a new bicycle. We have a sidewalk on one side of our neighborhood made for bicycle and pedestrians. Mom was pushing a stroller with a well bundled up baby. It was a family outing.

I  assumed the bicycle was Christmas present as it still had some Holiday ribbons on it. Again I make the assumption that the child lobbied the parents into "trying the new bike or learned to ride a bike". She was a little feeble on her riding abilities. The two wheel freedom mobile was equipped with training wheels for stability. Dad was very close to his daughter as they maneuvered the sidewalk.

The family made a couple of laps around the neighborhood and I am sure those little legs were all tired out. Mom looked ready to head into the house and warm up. On the second lap around our portion of the world I noticed that our young speed racer would get ahead of dad by 30 yards or so, showing her independence. But then she would stop, turn around and look to see if Dad was coming along. She enjoyed the assurance that Dad was close by.

Friends, every day is a new bicycle ride for all of us. Our bicycle rides take us down familiar paths as well as new or unknown roads. But when we venture too far or get the least afraid we to can turn around to a gracious God and know He is behind us, and even closer. He holds our hands and gives us that tug as He leads us faithfully through the path.

Have a great day!


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