Tuesday, January 22, 2019

A Smile Goes A Long Way 1/22/2019

Good Morning,

I just sat down with a cup of Door County Wisconsin Harvest Blend Coffee at my side. My night was filled with prayer and reading. My eyes are a little heavy as a write today.

Hebrews 13:2 New King James Version (NKJV)
Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels. 

My temporary desk at the kitchen table has a benefit or two. If I time things just right my wife Rene sits next to me eating her breakfast before she heads to work. This morning we are dining on apple slices covered with peanut butter and a couple warm fresh biscuits. Great start to the day.

For me, just having Rene smile and I seeing her flip a piece of apple to our dog Gibbs is worth getting up early. He always heads to the heat vent in the winter to warm up after he has had his breakfast. He has done this since he was a puppy. We have an odd dog.

 I have a physical therapy appointment later this day for my two recovering knees. The progress is slow, but steady and the bed seemed like a good place to stay, but the experience of sharing breakfast and a smile with my wife called me to write early and miss a little sleep.

I did mention that smile I received from Rene. A smile is a symbol of recognition, love, acceptance or respect. It doesn't take much to look someone in the eye and smile. The receiver of the smile if they are even remotely human has an emotional experience. They can smile back, nod, or let the smile warm a cold broken heart. If the person smiles back and adds a pleasantry such as a "Good Morning" it is acknowledged as being received and appreciated. In twenty seconds a day can have a dose of sweetness from the "sugar tree" of life. It is also exercise for the face muscles for all of you fitness gurus.

Sometimes after greeting someone, while walking away I say a prayer asking God to bless the person who smiled at me or I greeted. Again in 20 seconds heaven can move. So today if someone greets you with a smile, appreciate it. Smile back and lose a calorie. Extend a greeting, and possibly a prayer. Your smile and that prayer can go a long way in twenty seconds. You might never know just how it impacted someone's day. And it might be best not to know.

Impact eternity in twenty seconds? God knows who needed the smile or He knew you needed one. Have you ever thought of a smile and a greeting as a heavenly experience? Now you know why you have those facial muscles. How about getting those muscles in shape today? When greeting a stranger, could it be an angel? Something more for you to ponder.

God bless,


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