Friday, July 7, 2017

Beauty In The Garden 7/7/2017

Good Morning,

Friday arrived right on time just like a precision train. I for one put out the welcome mat for Friday and I salute her with a cup of Door County Hazelnut Crème Coffee and a bowl of fruit. Now that is a breakfast fit for consumption.

When I came home from work yesterday, I found myself needing to be outside for awhile. The weather is hot and humid and I was in an air conditioned setting all day. Fresh air and some icy sweet peach tea was just what I needed. I parked my backside into a chair near one of Rene's flower gardens. I sipped on the tea, took off my shoes and socks and took in the colors of her garden. As I looked things over I started to pray for a loved one. But soon enough I was just taken back to the colors I saw and I was thankful for my eyesight.

Matthew 26:36New International Version (NIV)
36 Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.”

Only God could paint flowers with such color and majesty. You are probably saying to yourself right now "the old duck hunter is going soft". Not really, I just appreciate God's attention to detail. How He takes seeds, adds sun and water, then  Shazzam,  you have a piece of heavenly art in front of you.

Sometimes it's the little things that we need to be thankful for and we need to say so. Our appreciation for the gifts we see should be expressed to our Heavenly Father. My prayer time returned and it was just a little sweeter by just being in the garden. I spoke and God spoke. I went away refreshed in mind, body and soul. Take some time and go to the garden, woods, river or lake. Take in one of God's pieces of art and revive yourself. You are worth it.

Have a beautiful day. You are loved.



  1. Thanks so much for the great encouragement. Lots of love from the Mustereds!
