Sunday, November 22, 2015

Looking Back And Going Forward 11/22/15

Good Morning.

Nice and cold this morning. Winter is here and that makes the Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee from the Door County Coffee Company taste that much better. Blessed to have my mug filled to the top.

Yesterday our grandson flew in for a visit. He is in high school now but it seems like just yesterday he was just wanting a Spider Man birthday cake and a kite. He stands about 4 inches taller than me now and is ready for a hunt with Papa and some Christmas shopping later this week with Grandma. We enjoy our visits with him and really look forward to spending days with him that will before too long come to an end when it's time for college and possibly his own family after school. But what I remember the most was the little boy who loved to see trains, play with the dog and ride the mechanical horse outside of Walmart. Then it was go-karts and sling shots. Now it's shot guns, cell phones, golf carts and girls.

So what is the point of my blog today? The point is this. Once they were babies, then toddlers, then little boys, then teens and then men. The process slows down for no one. So make the best of the time you have with them. Teach when you can, work together, and laugh before you can't. Tell them about the past and what it was like. Show them the way to God and why you love Him.

Deuteronomy 4:9   
“Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children's children

Have a great day!


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