Thursday, December 19, 2024

The Master Builder 12/19/2024

 Good Morning,

The old cup is filled with extra hot Door County Mistletoe Mocha Coffee and it is time to write.

Hebrews 3:4  For every house is built by someone, but God is the Builder of everything. 

Last night I took a moment to observe what was going on in our home. My wife Rene was busy sewing something for her mother. I was busy preparing a meal for someone to eat tonight. The Christmas tree was shining bright and our two dogs Leo and Gibbs were resting after some great exercise. It was quiet in the house and very peaceful.

We started building our house in 1993 and before anything was started, Rene and I stood on the land and prayed and asked God to use this home and land for good things. I remember that prayer like it was yesterday. We knew that although we paid the mortgage we also knew Who found us great employment. We knew that the freezer was full by the blessings of God and the coffee was hot because of God as well. The doors worked to keep out the cold, yet welcomed people to stay here for as long as they needed. God was the author of our open doors. Eventually the grass grew and it was the padding for some robust volleyball games. Hundreds of biscuits were made here. (That will be explained in another blog.)

What I am trying to point out this morning, is that you might sweep the floors in your house, fix the plumbing, and mow the lawn. But it is God who builds and maintains the hearts within the home. God should be the author of all of the home's policies and procedures. Remember, each stick of lumber that went into the building of the house started with a tree, that was planted by God and nourished until it was harvested. 

So the main shingle within the home, doesn't always need to be written, but needs to be known to all. The light is on, the coffee will be fresh and the door is always open to everyone.  The Master Builder, issues the occupancy permit.

Have a great day!


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