Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Our Words Count 12/18/2024

 Good Morning,

My cup is filled with Door County Jingle Bell Java Coffee and this day shall be started!

Early last night I needed some supplies to make a meal for some friends of ours who are experiencing some health problems and could use a little lift. I had most of the supplies at home but just needed a few other ingredients. 

I went to a store that I frequent very often and while there I watched several customers as they listened to two of the store's workers argue. The argument was only verbal but should never have taken place in the work setting. I watched one customer leave her cart, filled with groceries, walk out in disgust. The anger between the two workers had spilled into a toxic verbal assault filled with vulgar expletives. Usually there is a manager around but last night at that time there wasn't anyone present. 

Another man about my age, piped up and said, "Guys, not the right time or the right place." He was told where to shove his comment. One of them then asked me if I had something to say, almost taunting me to respond. I did reply and it wasn't very nice. A manager did appear just about then and she told the two that the police were on the way and they were fired. For some reason that worked and the two left the store and their anger had switched directions to the manager and then me. 

They sped away and later as I left with my supplies, I was disgusted to say the least. But I was mostly disgusted by myself. My response which wasn't very nice at all only fueled the flames of stupidity. I was at a point where I actually wanted to place a boot on the back side of those two guys. My actions did not do a thing to make the situation better, they only made it worse.  

Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. 

I went home and proceeded to work on the meal for friends, but the incident still bothered me. Nothing went right with my small project and it was due to me having anger that just overflowed all night. 

The words of Psalm 37 raced through my mind. "Cease from anger and forsake wrath, it only causes harm." 

Food for thought!


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