Sunday, March 12, 2023

God Gave Us A Circus And A Lesson 3/12/2023

 Good Morning,

I just sat down to write and next to me is a large , hot, mug of Door County Hawaiian Hazelnut Coffee. I plan on having two cups today and then see where the day takes me.

Not too long ago my wife Rene and I purchased a bird feeder. It is nothing elaborate but is does the trick. Yesterday Rene remarked that it would have been nice to have had that bird feeder when the big Covid attack started and paralyzed the world for a year. She has been very faithful in filling the bird feeder with seed and every now and then I see her at the window chuckling while watching the birds feed and chase each other. 

I asked her what she was laughing about yesterday and she said she was laughing at the "circus God gave us" outside our window. Of course when you feed the bird, the squirrels arrive and one of the squirrels was attempting to climb a 1/2 inch wrought iron staff and get to the bird food. He wasn't content with eating the droppings. The squirrel actually made it to the top and when he jumped to the bird feeder the unit swung (as designed) and he would fall off. The process was repeated several times and it was hilarious to watch. During this acrobat act more birds gathered and ate in harmony while the class clown kept trying to climb the pole. 

Now I am not against squirrels at all. There is a large oak tree next to us and the acorns are plentiful. The squirrels around here are well nourished and their plump bodies testify to the fact that they dine very well. However they are still greedy and want more of the free food that is available and not content to eat what is left for them. The acorn tree droppings are just pretty  much eaten by the squirrels. They have exclusive rights to some great food and I know they store those nuggets up. But they always want more than their share of the food in the neighborhood. Their greed lands them on their backsides as they flip off of the pole without any extra food. 

Proverbs 22:9 Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor. 

I haven't really ever written about greed in my daily rambles. I believe in working hard for what we have ,but yet I am content with what we have. There is nothing like being given the opportunity to share what we can with others. I watched yesterday as a man in the grocery store was purchasing a large amount of Girl Scout Cookies from these little girls who had set up a table inside the store to sell the cookies as people came and went from the store. He had purchased $200 dollars worth of the cookies. That is a lot of cookies!!! 40 boxes to be exact. But he did not take the cookies. He was asking the girls to take the cookies to a food pantry and donate them to the folks in need. The girls were just thrilled to do so. 

So my thought for today is this. That man was blessed to be able to afford to help others. He used a portion of his blessing to help. He taught the girls and those around them a lesson. My wife has reached out to feed God's creatures and has received a daily circus to watch while she has breakfast. Today if you can share with others, you are already blessed and the joy in giving is reward in itself.  

The smile you harvest from others is priceless. Make a difference. Don't be like the squirrel who lets greed turn them into a circus. 


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