Thursday, March 2, 2023

Choose Your Friends Wisely 3/2/2023

 Good Morning,

This morning finds me at my desk with a hot mug of Door County Vanilla Cream Brulee Coffee and two dogs at my feet. It is time to write. 

In recent days as I was watching the nightly news there was once again an incident involving some teenagers, a stolen car, and a joy ride that killed people. I am sure that no one involved, the guilty nor the innocent thought that their trip that night would involve someone dying. But stealing a car and then driving at very high speeds usually doesn't have a good outcome.

1 Corinthians 15:33 Don't be misled. " Bad company corrupts good character.

Maybe all the teenagers in the stolen car were of like minds, yet somewhere along the way the group was assembled by choice. A choice was made by each and everyone involved to hang out with the wrong people. They chose to be with those who think lawlessness is a good time. Before these incidents of mayhem and death, there was an opportunity to say no and walk away. Oh I am sure there are times when a kid gets into a car and might not know that it is a stolen vehicle. They aren't the driver and are stuck being part of a crime and tragedy. But ultimately they chose the wrong friends. 

This also applies to the rest of us. We choose our friends and who we associate with. If at times you have to tolerate less than good behavior while in the company of your friends or family and you find that you have been included in a bad situation, it is time to find new friends. 

We all have the ability to choose right from wrong and when we are prodded to accept less than right, we made the wrong choice in friends. Choose wisely your companions so they don't rub off on you. Be wise in the companions you keep.


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