Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Dog Tired 4/19/2022

 Good Morning!!!!

Rise and shine. It is time to get up and go go go. Did that wake you up? I just sat down to write and drink a cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee. The warm cup feels good on my hands.

I would bet we all know someone who is totally exhausted at the end of their day and we have heard someone say "I am dog tired" 

James 1:19 So then my beloved Brethren, so let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak and slow to wrath. 

Dog tired is an old English Idiom usually hyphenated to dog-tired. An adjectival phrase meaning to be physically exhausted, it derives from an ancient tale of Alfred the Great, who used t send his sons out with his widespread kennels of hunting dogs.  Whichever of his sons, be it Athelbrod or Edwin, were able to catch more of the hounds would gain their father's right hand side at the dinner table that evening. These chases would leave them "dog-tired yet merry at their victory.

I have been dog-tired and some dog days were worse than others. At the end of the day when I was more than totally exhausted I found that I was not only tired but more irritable in spirit.

So here is my take on being crabby. I was dog tired because I was growling all day long like a rabid dog. I was guilty of snapping at people and chewing them out a little.  There will always be days when we will work and work and work at something and naturally we will be tired. But, you can avoid being more exhausted if you stop growling all day long!



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