Monday, August 2, 2021

Let's Gather Together Again, Stuck Under The Bridge 8/2/2021

 Good Morning,

The time to get moving came out of no where like being shot out of a cannon this morning. I am breaking in a new coffee maker today and I can smell the Door County Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee brewing right now. I guess it is easy to say, that the new one must be working fine. 

Hebrews 10:24-25 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25. not neglecting, to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. 

I know there are many pastors and elders who might read this and frown on where I am headed with this message. I write what I am led to write by the Holy Spirit.

 One of the main complaints I heard as a church leader during our first round of Covid in 2020 when all the churches were closed and internet church was all we could do was "I can't wait until we can be together again." Then slowly the virus subsided and it seemed like we had beaten this thing down to a manageable sickness, a lot of people did not return to in person church. 

There are and were ways to safely manage attendance. Many churches offered masks or "safe rooms" and soon there was the choice to be vaccinated. Churches needed to follow local laws. When they chose to disobey and ignore the laws of the time, they created another problem . As will a bad burrito, all things that started paranoia made my gut hurt. Those who wore masks felt singled out by those who didn't. Then those who didn't, felt that they couldn't attend because the masked folks were looking at them and not being inclusive. Some vaccinated folks did express verbally that they would not be with those who weren't vaccinated. Some unvaccinated people would also get in the faces of others preaching their cause. I really don't care which side of the aisle you are on in this debate. So don't send me to links about masks, or vaccines pro or con. 

I do know this. People have become lazy in being involved at church or attending except for church online. If you are afraid to attend because of the virus and none of the precautions work for you, or medically you need to stay away that's ok. But can't you call your church and ask how you can do anything in a ministry? It is summer in the United States. Flowers need to be watered, grass mowed, sidewalks swept, parking lot's sealed and the list goes on. Have you asked to be part of the prayer team?

I see many avoiding the church family until there is a need like a wedding or a hospital visit. Then they are there wagging their tales in hope of help or support. Right after that, you don't see them again. 

Then there are the two paranoid twins battling over how they "think' others feel about them being vaccinated and wearing a mask and the other twin who wants nothing to do with a masked vaccinated brother or sister in the Lord and they can't tolerate those who chose to vaccinate. 

So they stay home and tune in to the "sermon of the week", send in a tithe or not and are satisfied with sitting at home and not being part of the family who gathers. They cannot get past this thing, allowing Satan to win because he has divided the church over masks, vaccinations, and paranoia. 

I am saying this. The family divided is not a good thing. The family who does not gather and look for ways to strive to stir up others to love and good works is not a good thing. I am calling August, Family Reunion Month. Do whatever it takes for you to feel safe or heard, and get back to church in person.

I have news for you. Many people had the habit of occasionally attending church long before Covid came on the scene. They just found a new excuse. 

God bless,
