Sunday, August 22, 2021

Hidden Dangers In The Concrete 8/22/2021

 Good Morning , 

My cup of Door County Frosted Cinnamon Buns Coffee is going down nicely this morning. It is very special today and I am taking more time to enjoy it. 

1Peter 5:8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 

Yesterday started a new project at our house, one that was overdue and needed for some time. We needed to replace the concrete in our driveway. Most people when told we were replacing the concrete would ask us why we were doing it. On the surface in July, except for a few minor cracks, the concrete looked fine. But let our land start to freeze in November and you would see why!

Back in 1994 we had a tornado come through our neighborhood. Some people sustained substantial property damage. We were blessed to just have a few broken outdoor lights broken. But with every storm that produces a tornado, along comes the torrential rains. It rained like I have never seen before and soon the streets were flooded. The debris from the tornado flowed with the water and plugged the storm drains serving the road. I recall going out there in knee deep water and opening up one of the drains. It worked for a few minutes and then would plug up again. The task was strenuous to say the least. When the drain would become overwhelmed the water in the street would rise, and in a minute or two the flood would start up the driveway and into the garage. Like every property owner would I kept at it trying to save our property. By the grace of God I did it. 

Here is the but. The flooding water did something to the gravel foundation that the concrete set on. The next day when things dried out every thing seemed ok. Later that year in about November we noticed that with the freezing, the concrete would heave, and there would be a tripping hazard. I really thought the slabs of concrete were haunted. They would take turns moving. Once you got accustomed to a slab out of place, another one would pop up and the previously out of place slab would settle back in. We consulted a contractor and some repairs were made and they seemed to help, but over the last three years the concrete became a daily dodge of a broken limb or neck especially in January.  After double knee replacement and a fall during a polar vortex I experienced, but never told anyone about, I decided to replace that concrete. My wife and friend will cringe when they read this. I was not supposed to be outside alone. But as with most things I procrastinated and last winter while removing snow from the haunted concrete, I could not see which slab would take a shot at me. I was moving along quite well until the snow blower hit an upraised slab and sent me falling forward once more, biting my tongue when I het the pavement. That did it! Plans were started the next day to get that concrete replaces this summer. 

The point of this dialogue is not on procrastination, although it could be. I want to remind all of us that what seems to be good at the moment, might hold hidden dangers within. For instance, a relationship that seems fun and exciting at the time, plays out to be destructive when you get slapped or threatened. You knew that this new love had a hidden side.  First sign of that stuff is a warning to replace the "concrete". A new car is not needed, but the new style of car is so sharp that you incur a little more debt and get that shiny new ride. But then life deals you a covid nightmare and you work company closes. Now how do we pay for the for wheels parked on our driveway that needs replacing? 

We all know the things we should avoid, and the hidden dangers within a choice when we overlook the warnings. One beer to an alcoholic seems fine to everyone, but the alcoholic knows that one will lead to more, and then a dangerous drive home, while inebriated, parking your car on the moving driveway, tripping and hitting your head, paramedics are called to save you, and the police show up and easily figure out that you were driving while intoxicated.  Oh the hidden dangers!

Friends, the Holy Spirit warns us when we are making a decision with hidden dangers. It's that small voice that tells you, Don't or do. For example, don't go outside alone in temperatures of 29 degrees F below zero using a walker. The other voice of "Do replace that concrete before someone gets hurt."

Act on it or don't act on it. That's the message, but beware of the decision you make. It might hold hidden dangers. 

God bless 


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