Saturday, January 9, 2021

Stoking The Fire 1/9/2021

 Good Morning, 

My cup overflows with door County Irish Cream Coffee. Literally! I over filled the mug and thought I could walk steady enough without spilling any. Foolish me. 

My wife Rene and I enjoy our fireplace (or any fireplace) and the heat it brings in the fall, winter and early spring. I usually make the fire and I haul in some firewood to refill the hearth when it burns down. We take turns stoking the fire and adding wood as necessary. Every now and then we both get preoccupied with other things that we let the fire burn down too far. Throwing logs on to a fire that doesn't have many glowing embers left just doesn't work all that well. So it is best to tend the fire and keep it going at a steady rate.

I believe people do the same thing with their Christianity. They become slack with keeping a quiet time, prayer time and their Bible study. Soon what was a hot fire within the soul starts to smolder and in many instances goes out for awhile. Now, unlike firewood, when we call upon Jesus and desire to spend  time with Him, He always shows up and seeks to rekindle that fire within. 

James 4:8 Come near to God and He will draw near to you.

Acts 4:13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized they had been with Jesus.

The only way to be on fire for Jesus is to spend time with Him. Make it a priority, Be consistent. Be flexible. If He schedules the meeting and it doesn't align with your schedule be willing to change your schedule.

Food for thought!


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