Sunday, January 31, 2021

Good Ole Mountain Dew? 1/31/2021

 Good Morning,

This Sunday morning arrived with a large snow storm. It started last night and it is still coming down. I will treat this day like any other Sunday. The radio is playing softly and the fireplace is heating us up nicely.

Back and I mean way back, I became interested in making moonshine. A friend of mine and I built a small still and could turn out a quart of "Marty's Mountain Dew" every day. It was a novelty that lasted about a year. I am not really proud of that accomplishment and the still is long gone. That white lightning could set you on your backside and it never took prisoners. 

You are wondering where this is headed and what on Earth this has to do with a daily blog of inspiration? Hang with me as I get to the point. 

This world is filled with a million ways that a man or woman can find to screw up. Most people can't say that their downfall was from making moonshine. That stuff almost killed me one night after I finished off a jar with a few buddies. I had no business driving a vehicle while all "moonshined up" and I damaged my car bad enough that it wasn't able to be fixed. Worse yet, I somehow drove it home. I woke up the next morning and saw a wrecked car and I didn't remember a thing. I could have killed someone on the way home. The still was gone the next day. 

Friends, it just goes to show that things you shouldn't do, or shouldn't possess will always seek to ruin you. I thank God for preserving this idiot that night. I learned my lesson the hard way. It could have been worse. The Good Ole Mountain Dew wasn't so good. 

Isaiah 30:21 Your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, "This is the way, walk in it." Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.

Proverbs 3:12 The Lord disciplines those He loves, as the father who loves his son. 

While building that still, there were several times that my conscience ( The Holy Spirit) warned me that this was not a good idea. I did not listen and I could have saved myself from suffering the consequences of my sin.

I believe God speaks to us and we have some choices when He does. Stop or keep going. Correction or not needing to be corrected. Avoid suffering or suffer needlessly . God corrects those He loves and sometimes it is just a scolding or it's out to the woodshed for a whooping. Most of my corrections have been the latter. 

Today if you are going to step across a line that you already know is not right. Listen to that small voice directing you in the right direction. My mason jars now hold coffee, or vegetables. 


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