Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Should Have Been Weaned A Long Time Ago 2/22/2017

Good Morning,

May your day be blessed from above and your heart be at peace today. I hope any troubles for all of you are small ones. I just filled my mug with Door County Maple Coffee and I have a hot biscuit with rhubarb jam on a plate. Let's write.

The picture above is of an old baby high chair that sits in the corner of our kitchen. There are usually a few more decorations on it, but today I want to focus on the old glass baby feeding bottle sitting on the tray. The bottle is empty and I believe Rene is going to fill it with some white stuff to simulate milk. But in reality, this bottle will never be used for milk again. It is for show, not for go.

Both Rene and I were weaned off of the baby bottle as children a thousand years ago. Yet we both drink a glass of milk each day. It is part of our morning breakfast or dinner. It is not the whole dinner as would be required by newborn babies. I don't know much about me as a baby, but I would assume that before too long into life I wanted my share of the meatballs and rigatoni. I can't imagine a full day of  only milk doing this body any good right now. I need grains, fruit and protein, along with a helping of lasagna now and then. Soon after being weaned from the bottle I used a child's cup and sooner than later I was using a glass like an adult. I am sure it was the same for all of you. Just think how silly I would look drinking from a baby bottle now, refusing to grow up and having no desire to do so.

As a child is weaned off of milk and begins to desire real food with some meat, so should a Christian desire to grow in knowledge of God's Word. We should desire to know more about God, our eternal future, and His guidelines for every day.  I teach a men's Bible study and we are working together in a class that is truly what I would call "Deep Theology"  learning about life after death. It has taken us months to be 75% complete. It has been great fun to watch and listen as we all grow in knowledge and application. These guys have all been hungry for the real meat found in God's Word.

We only grow in our relationship with God as we learn about Him and His ways. As we know more and experience Him more we desire more and more of Him. When this happens you are weaned. The apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 3:2

1 Corinthians 3:2New International Version (NIV)
I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready.

To me this would be one of the saddest things that could be said about any Christian. This implies that despite being fed with milk, the Christian has not grown to desire the meat of the Word. This is sad, very sad.

If this is you, enroll in a Bible study, or buy a Bible study, either of theology or applications, but get beyond milk and dine on the meat of God's Word.  You are missing out on a treasure just waiting to be mined.  Don't let this pass you by.

Think about it please. It's time to grow up!


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