Sunday, January 12, 2025

When You Pursue Anger ??? 1/12/2025

 Good Morning,

My Door County Country Morning Blend Coffee will be traveling with me to the woods of Southern Wisconsin today. I plan on sitting and hunting some squirrels for a pot of stew later this week.

I am convinced that when your heart and mind allow you to pursue anger, all that happens is that you get more to be angry about. 

Anger is like cancer. Left unchecked it spreads and begins to consume more territory of your mind, heart and soul. Satan likes to take our not so beautiful traits and overfeed us with more opportunities to fail and become less than God intended us to be. 

When I was first learning to play football our coach taught us this. A running back cannot advance the ball when he is laying on his rear end.  Zero in on the ball carrier and put him down with a shoulder and two arms wrapped around him. I noticed that when I did that repeatedly, the ball carrier ran away from my side. They would avoid running my way. 

We need to treat anger like cancer and a run away halfback. Stop the anger with a hard stop. Avoid it and make it run from you. Treat issues with a calm, direct answer or solution measured with Biblical characteristics. 

James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore  to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 

Psalm 37:8 Cease from anger and forsake wrath, it only causes harm. 

Food for thought!!!


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