Monday, November 18, 2024

Frosty Mornings 11/18/2024

 Good Morning,

My mug is filled with Door County Cinnamon Pecan Ice Cream Coffee this morning.

Proverbs 18:2 A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only expressing his opinion. 

The trip upstairs to our den was a little easier this morning. I do believe that healthier days are on their way. I woke up to a blanket of frost on the ground and sunshine in the East. The outline of this day is a beautiful one. 

I like frosty mornings and and the crisp air that greets me on such days. I know plenty of people who would vehemently oppose my ideas about frosty mornings. There is just something special with a light layer of ice on the bay of a lake or marsh. A heavy frost is like a blanket on the land given to us by God.

The coffee tastes better while sitting outside taking in the morning sounds and the scenery. Over the last few days I have been slowed down by a virus, and not much time at all was spent outside. 

Liking the frosty mornings might not be for some, but they are glorious to me. My point for the day is this. Each day around the world is different to each person. No one will really care about my preference, even though it might cause them to scrape a windshield, or dress warmer. My preference might be uncomfortable, but in time, the weather will change. Things change all the time and we need to accept that each day might be the preference of others. You see, I can't control the weather nor most anything in the world. God puts the spin on it and when we don't like the spin, we wait until it changes. Sometimes the wait is burdensome and long enough that we despise the days God has made. This is an unfortunate state of the soul. Despising God leads to despising one another and that leads to things being said that aren't friendly or uplifting. 

The world lacks the wisdom to be respectful of others. I may not like your days in the sunshine, but I respect you for your choice of preferences. It just works better that way. 

Food for thought. While battling this virus, my wife and I both spent a lot of time vomiting. What came out of my mouth, I didn't want to hang on to . I preferred a clean well rinsed mouth. Today as you talk about others and their views of life, are you still holding on to the vomit of your soul and the hatred within or are you cleansing your mouth with God's word and respect for others?

God bless,


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