Thursday, February 15, 2024

Common Sense And Sound Reasoning, Gone With The Wind? 2/15/2024

 Good Morning, 

A hot cup of Door County Churro Coffee is steaming next to me and it tastes as good as it smells. It is time to write. 

Proverbs 10:13 On the lips of him who has understanding, wisdom is found, but a rod for the back for him who lacks sense. 

I remember being 12 years old and my dad coming outside to adjust my thinking. I had been kicking field goals over the clothes lines in my makeshift football field normally known as the back yard. He objected vehemently about me kicking toward the house. After my chewing out session was done he departed with a bit of advice. "Use common sense!" It was at that moment in life when I realized that using common sense is to be a life long attribute to be used and sought after. I think Dad was spot on that day. The football came awfully close to hitting a bedroom window. I decided that some common sense could be used and it was not to share my reasoning with Dad as to why I was kicking toward the window. I was actually kicking that way to avoid the window and be more accurate. I reasoned that explaining my thoughts on directional kicking was best kept to myself.  That was common sense!

I believe that common sense and sound reasoning are missing in more people each year. If you steal a car and the police chase you and a stolen car full of people, common sense would tell you that stealing has a penalty. Driving at 100 miles per hour in an urban setting can lead to a crash. Sound reasoning would tell you that a crash at that speed can be and probably will be deadly. 

If you don't attend school, the chances of you becoming the CEO of a major corporation are slim at best. Common sense would tell you to go to school. 

If the authorities tell you to stay off of the ice and you decide to park your car on the ice and you and your car take an icy dip on a frigid night????? Well common sense would tell you to listen and heed the warning. A good hint would be the consistent 45 degree weather temperatures. Ice melts!

If more people would go back to using common sense and sound reasoning, we would have less tragedies. The tragedies and vigils to mourn  with the release of helium balloons that cause electrical shorts and lead to power outages, could  be averted by using common sense.  

Parents! Grandparents! It's up to you. You can prevent tragedies just by enforcing and teaching the rules of common sense. The life you save might be your own. 

We all need to practice common sense and sound reasoning. 


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