Thursday, February 29, 2024

If You Say You Can't You Won't 2/29/2024

 Good Morning,

The aroma coming from the kitchen woke me up before the alarm clock went off this morning. If I could only trust my nose to wake me up every day I would like the aroma to do it. But I would probably sleep too late. So I guess noise will be my back up plan. I am enjoying a hot cup of Door County Jamaican Me Crazy Coffee and it is time to write. 

I do believe that it is possible to have fear talk you out of advancing in life. Fear is a cancer that paralyzes people and holds them back from accomplishing amazing things. Fear desires to defeat and demoralize even the most staunch men and women from saying yes to a challenge. Fear will erase past accomplishments and good memories from even the strongest of people. Fear changes the battle cry from "I can" to "I can't." For instance when God provides a promotion for you at work and the job now contains a few different duties, some folks will turn down the promotion just because fear has convinced them that they might fail. 

For those who believe in God, you have Him in your corner. If He brings you to a challenge, is He not big enough to walk you through it? Yes He is! I have read through my Bible many times and I can't recall God saying "I Can't and neither can you." 

2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Joshua 1:9 NKJV Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Go ahead and slay the day! You can do it with God's help, love, and guidance. 


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Where Do We Start? 2/28/2024

 Good Morning,

I just walked up to my desk and sat down with a hot mug of Door County Coconut Caramel Coffee and it is time to greet the day. 

I have been working on a project for about 23 years now, and it is time to resurrect the plan and get going on this endeavor. I know what I want to do, but building it is going to be expensive and tiring. It all started a long time ago with an idea, that turned into a plan, just to have life put a strangle hold on it. 

I think if I work on it a little at a time starting in July, I can be done in a year. This is a construction type home project. I know where to start in on it again and the pathway seems to be correct. I have consulted a few experts. A good project is only as good as the plan. A poor plan leads to a lousy project. 

Life is that way sometimes when we take on a self improvement project with our life or lifestyle. We know what we desire to improve or change, but we don't know where to start. It is simple, we need to consult the Great Life Architect. We need to ask God how to go about the change we desire or need. We need to let Him become the project manager and we need to listen to the Expert. Not only does God have the plan, but He works within us to help make the changes to a life that needs a rebuild.

Jeremiah 29:11NIV "I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

God is willing to pitch in and work on life improvements with us. The plan all starts with Him!


Tuesday, February 27, 2024

The Days Go By So Fast 2/27/2024

 Good Morning,

I will be enjoying some great Door County Coconut Caramel Coffee in a few minutes.  The coffee maker wasn't on the same page with me. 

James 4:14 Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. 

Proverbs 15:13 A glad heart makes a cheerful face, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is crushed. 

Sometimes it seems like I was just leaving high school a few years ago instead of it being 49 years ago. It feels like just yesterday I welcomed a daughter into this world, yet that happened in 1978. The expression "Time Flies" is really a true statement. The world does not stop spinning for anyone. One day you are running like the wind and before you know it a good wind can blow you over. 

I am not complaining this morning, just stating the facts. If you are like me and the old days are just a memory, this message is for you. We often look back and say, "I wish it was like the old days". My challenge is this. Why not take the days we have left and make them some great days, by participating in them. Look for the silver lining in each day. Your day is what you make of it. And it is better with you in it. 

Go for the gusto and live life better than the good old days!


Monday, February 26, 2024

The Old Prayer Meeting 2/26/2024

 Good Morning,

Today I will be very busy and it will stay that way for the month of March. I am looking forward to having someone shadow me so as to decide if they want to work with my employer. Basically they found someone to replace me when I leave this year. So I need to get some Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee into me and hit the road.

Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not  know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. 

On last Saturday night we had our monthly prayer meeting or gathering as some like to call it after the Saturday church service. This month it was very well attended and there seemed to be a sweet spirit within all of us prayer warriors. The prayer time was serious and in my mind, much needed. When I left for home I truly felt as if heaven came down on the group and the prayers said were just what was needed for this month. In other words it a Spirit led gathering. 

Friends, do you have a daily prayer time and do you keep a list of prayers said and prayers answered? I can't tell you how much that small prayer group means to me and how they are counted on by many to pray for others. So if you can attend a prayer group, don't hesitate to gather with others and pray together. It just might change this world we live in or the lives of others. 

Pray my friends and wait on the Lord. It is a good way to start every day.


Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Boy Had To Grow Up A Little 2/25/2024

 Good Morning,

I have a hot cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee in front of me and I plan on sipping it slowly and enjoying the moment for a few minutes. 

Yesterday I wrote about learning how to walk home from school and I promised to write a follow-up today. So here it goes. Our family had been going through a rough spot during my first grade year. Mom had to have a heart surgery and at that time the surgery was not being performed in our home city. Mom and Dad spent a great amount of time in another state for her surgery and her recovery time. It was decided at that time to move to a smaller home so there were less stairs for Mom to navigate. My parents found a home and it was right next to my dad's sister and her family. That is a blessing I will write about another day. I wasn't too happy to be told that I would have to attend a new school and make new friends,

My parents and my sister were trying to move into the new home every day by hauling things in the car. My dad worked second shift so they would work to get small things moved during the morning before Dad left for work. The big move would come later. 

We had been making a lot of adjustments to life as of late. Many times we had a relative staying with my sister and me while the folks were a state away with mom's doctor appointments. Or they would have us stay with them in their homes.

One day when I walked home successfully from school, I encountered a surprise that I will never forget. Normally some adult was always there when I made it home from school. This particular week was one that Mom was home from her health issues. I was looking forward to getting home from school and watching my afternoon dose of the Three Stooges on the old black and white television. There wasn't that much homework to do back then so a little television was acceptable. I climbed the steps to our back door and found the door to be locked. I rang the door bell and no response. I went around the house to the front door and it too was locked. I went to the back door and sat down on the steps. What could be wrong? The last time we had any issue at home, my mother had experienced her first heart attack and she was taken away in an ambulance. My sister and I were scooped up by a kind neighbor, we were fed, and put to bed on the couch while she knitted something. She took great care of us until my dad came home and explained as best he could to two little kids what was going on.

So my mind wandered back to that day and I started imagining the worst. Then I remembered the other lesson my dad taught me. If I ever came home and no one was there I was to go next door and tell our neighbor and she would let me in with the key she had for our house. I followed Dad's plan and it failed. Our neighbor was not home. I zipped up my jacket and sat on our back steps, I trusted my dad to somehow know about my "Home Alone" experience and I just waited. I am sure it was only 30 minutes at most, but it seemed like hours went by before a police officer came to our back door. I almost pooped in my pants. I was so scared of what he might say to me. He asked me my name and he told me his. He explained that my dad had called them to check on me and that he was on his way. I answered every question the officer asked me. He was just trying to engage me in conversation and take my mind off of the situation. He asked how I liked school. Even now that question seems dumb to a kid who just wanted to watch the Three Stooges. But he was being kind and I now find myself asking dumb questions to little kids because I don't know what to say. 

Then I saw the officers look to the front of the house and I could hear my dad talking to them. I got up off of the steps and could see my dad limping badly as he walked. My mom and sister were nowhere to be seen. My dad explained that there was a bad car accident and my mom and sister were in the hospital. Our car was wrecked. One of my aunts was with my dad. She had picked up my dad from the hospital and they came for me. We were both dropped off at another aunt's home and our needs were taken care of. Mom was in for a long haul of health issues. My sister mended up in about  four weeks.

The next day I was driven to school by my uncle and picked up by him as well. But nothing was the same or normal for a long time. What I do recall though was my dad sitting me down and saying. "You did a good job that day. You followed the plan. I will always come for you when you need me. Always stick to the plan. And when in doubt use your head. It was good for you to stay put so I could find you."

My point is this. As much as possible always teach your kids a plan for safety. Do whatever it takes to keep your word to them. And then when they make you proud, tell them you are proud of them. I will never forget what Dad said and I will never forget how happy I was to see him coming for me. 

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it. 

Have a great day!



Saturday, February 24, 2024

Just A Little Late And I Was In Trouble 2/24/2024

 Good Morning,

A hot cup of Door County Heavenly Caramel Coffee is steaming in front of me. I am looking forward to a nice day with some exercise by walking behind some Springer Spaniels chasing a few pheasants. 

I recall  a week or two before I was going to attend 1st grade. My dad told me that I would need to be walking home from school. In the mornings he would give me a ride to school. So to make sure I could manage the 7 block walk I was informed that I needed to practice. 

Dad and I walked to the church and school site, which included crossing a "busy street" and navigating stop lights. That one took several practice sessions. Then one day, my dad said to me that he was driving me to the school and I had to make it home on my own. Given a brisk walk my eta should be 15 minutes or less. That didn't mean too much to me, because I didn't own a watch and couldn't really tell time all that well.

Dad dropped me off at school and drove away. He went in the opposite direction so I could not follow him. So, off I went for home and was checking off the buildings dad said were markers that told me I was going the right way. The firehouse was to be my place of refuge if I was in danger. The other school where I attended kindergarten was a a sign that I was real close to home. I crossed all the streets, looked both ways before stepping into the road. I nodded to  all the building markers in the correct order. I stopped to throw some acorns to a squirrel and enjoyed watching them scramble for the nuts. I had been picking up acorns that had fallen from the oak trees near the sidewalk. What boy doesn't collect acorns? 

Well when I reached home all proud of myself, I saw my dad sitting on the porch looking at his watch. It seems my fifteen minute walk took 30 minutes. "What took you so long?" were dad's only words. I confessed to my squirrel philanthropy services. Two things I recall. I did not receive a whooping. And I was told that in order to be safe and not cause my mother to worry, I needed to fully understand what the expectations were and what the consequences would be if I violated the rules and continued to pursue my "save the squirrels" project. Dad never went back on his word to deliver an attitude or behavior adjustment to my back end when needed. Then he said, "did you see the black squirrel"? Dang, how did he know that there was a black squirrel on my route? Later I found out how he knew about the black squirrel. He had gone in the opposite direction from me. I turned my back and headed home. Dad parked the car and had been following me for most of the way. When I neared home he ran through the alley to beat me home and he made it look like he was sitting there for a long time. My dad was preparing me to listen, obey, and be trusted. One day I would need to think for myself and act accordingly. That day came real soon. More on Sunday. 

My point for the day is this. We have a Heavenly Father who walks with us and watches over us. He never sleeps and when needed He corrects us. He is faithful to teach us. There is only one correct way and we need to obey Him like a scared 1st grader. 

Psalm 23:4 ESV Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. I will fear no evil, for you are with me; Your rod and your staff comfort me.

Psalm 121: 2-4 ESV My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved. He who keeps you, will not slumber.

Revelation 3:19 As Many as I love I rebuke and chasten, Therefore be zealous and repent. 

Have a great day!


Friday, February 23, 2024

Bacon And Eggs On A Friday 2/23/24

 Good Morning,

I am actually heading out for work this morning. I typically don't work on Fridays. But duty called and I really don't mind work at all. I just poured a hot mug of Door County Coconut Caramel Coffee and it is time to write. 

Psalm 143:8 Cause me to hear your loving kindness in the morning. For in you I do trust; Cause me to know the way I should walk. For I lift up my soul to you

Every now and then I like a simple breakfast of bacon and eggs. I like to eat it at around 5:AM and enjoy a hot cup of coffee with it and maybe just one biscuit to clean up the plate. Why am I writing about this on a fine Friday morning? Usually while eating breakfast I like to read my Bible and pray. It starts the day off nicely. I believe that everyone should do their best to start a day in a way that gives them peace, hope and happiness. Coffee, bacon, eggs, prayer and my Bible are my menu for a great start to my day. 

So my friends I close for now and wish you all a hearty breakfast with a side order of love.


Thursday, February 22, 2024

Unlock The Store House 2/22/2024

 Good Morning,

I need to be on the road early this morning. My day began with a hot cup of Door County Coconut Caramel Coffee and some prayer. It is time to write.

Psalm 119:11 ESV I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

I memorized Psalm 119:11 in 1981. It was the first Bible verse I memorized. I believe the words are to be taken literally and should be lived by every Christian, every day. It doesn't do too much in the way of good if we memorize a bunch of Bible verses, and not apply them to our lives.  I liken people who have stored the word of God in their mind to a gun safe without a key or a known lock combination. The guns don't come out if you keep them locked away. They are useless for protection if you can't get access to them. 

Many people could allow these stored verses to impact a decision, a reaction to temptation, or for guidance in a difficult situation. Nope, they leave the answers and help locked within. They might have the word hidden, but they forgot where they placed it. A memorized verse that is not applied, tends to stay unapplied. 

So before you raise the flag, shout for help from a bullhorn, or cry out for assistance. Help yourself to some Scripture, but heed the word and apply it. 


Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Dress Like You Mean It. Don't Waste The Day! 2/21/2024

 Good Morning,

I am sitting at the desk. A hot cup of Door County Breakfast Blend Coffee is sitting and steaming next to me. I am ready to write. 

Proverbs 3:4 So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God  and man. 

Back in the early 1980's the United States was in quite a tough recession and any type of work was scarce. The company I worked for had a workforce reduction and being young and with not much work time in, I was laid off. The company closed and it wasn't coming back. I applied for work somewhere every day and was turned down repeatedly. I did a lot of odd jobs for cash and it helped out and I could pay my bills, but barely. 

One day, my dad called on me and asked what I was doing for the day?  I was still in an old pair of sweat pants and a beat up undershirt.

I will never forget what he said. "I know you dress nicely when you apply for work, but you will feel better when you still rise up early, dress for work, and then go and do something. Volunteer, get done, what you did not have time for while working. Work and dress your way to work." I had been studying to improve my knowledge in a couple areas, via the library. "Dress, for work, and find some work to do. Don't waste the day in your pajamas. Don't let the day start without you. Sitting in your pajamas and not accomplishing much, if at all, just makes for a pity party and lack of confidence. If you want to work, be ready to work. Soon work will come and all the things that didn't get done while unemployed will not get done once you get busy again." 

He sure was right. It wasn't long after that and I was employed in healthcare and spent 38 years there. I never recall a time when we weren't busy. The studies I did not finish while I was out of work, were actually ones I needed for this new arena of work. Now I had to go to night school and it made me busier than what I could handle at times. 

Getting dressed and meeting the day in clothes that you did not sleep in does make one feel better about themselves and makes you more hopeful when out of work. A to do list with check marks of completion makes for a sense of pride.

Food for thought!


Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Engaging The Children, Thank God For Post It Notes 2/20/2024

 Good Morning. 

I just sat down with a hot cup Door County Churro Coffee and it is time to write.

Matthew 19:14 ESV But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for such belongs the kingdom of heaven."

Last Saturday evening we held an impromptu gathering after our 5:00pm  church service. We were just sending everyone home with dessert before dinner. It was nice to see everyone enjoying a root beer float. It was a simple, no fuss, no brainer form of fellowship. 

We have had the pleasure of enjoying the company of a young man attending our Saturday service. He has four children and he has been bringing them with him on Saturdays. We don't have child care during the service. Our flock averages an age of 50 and above. That might even be closer to 60 and above. These children range in ages of 2-11. I have to say that they are some of the best behaved kids I have ever witnessed. 

Back to the root beer. Once I was finished with a few duties that need to be done each week, I joined the dessert crowd. I saw the young man at a table sitting with his children so I decided to join them. I talk to the young fella quite often. I made it a point to try and engage the children. This is not easy for me to do. I just don't know what to say to kids and I am often seen as old and probably crabby. But I gave it a shot and was surprised as to how they responded. It seemed to me to be like and interrogation session. I asked questions and they answered politely. I noticed their Bibles were with them. We started talking about the Bibles and verses. The conversation turned more lively and they started talking about different passages of Scripture. The youngest girl started reciting the 23rd Psalm for us. It was an amazing and great job. Once the wheels of fellowship started turning, it was a conversation I will never forget. We made some plans for the future, for our two families to get together. 

I stand amazed as to how God answered my prayers. I had been praying for something to say, when I noticed how they had marked passages of  Scripture with Post It notes. Once I asked what the notes were for, they were happy to explain. I never thought I would be grateful for post it notes. 

My thought for the day. Showing kindness to a child does not take a big effort. But the dividends are precious memories. 


Monday, February 19, 2024

Bittersweet Day 2/19/2024

 Good Morning,

The day began with a hot cup of Door County Irish Cream Coffee, prayer and a quiet moment. It is time to write.

Today I celebrate my birthday. I have made plans to take our oldest dog Gibbs to a game farm for a hunt. He is old like me and and now is deaf. So hunting with him is pretty difficult to do. I have enlisted the help of my two nephews to hunt with me and Gibbs. The goal is to give Gibbs a great time as he retires from active hunting and now sleeps a lot. This is a family outing and I can count on those two young men to throw some lead at the birds that hopefully get flushed. I will walk into that field knowing that this will probably be the last hunt for Gibbs. He has been faithful from start to finish. Gibbs has been at my side for thirteen years and has been there through shoulder repairs, retinal surgery, two knee replacements, 42 days of covid as well as so many hunts that I would have to say number more than I can remember. 

Psalm 20:4 May he grant your hearts desire and fulfill all your plans. 

Of all of our dogs he is the only one that broke my heart. We have an annual pheasant hunt for our family every on New years day. The year that I had my two knees replaced was the only year I did not go. It was cold that day as well as slippery. A man using a walker for support is best kept at home. My nephew Nick had been raised to hunt over our dogs. of course to hunt pheasants, it is best to hunt with a dog. Nick came to the house to pick up Gibbs. He was greeted with enthusiasm. Nick had taken Gibbs on a couple of duck hunts while I was tied up with work or some other reason I was not able to go. Gibbs would hunt well for him. 

This was different. That day as Nick opened the door, Gibbs followed him. I stayed inside and waved. It dawned on Gibbs that I was not going with them. He stopped and came back to the door. Nick and I both looked puzzled. Nick called him to come along and Gibbs would look at him and then me. He did not want to leave the temporarily crippled guy at home. I had to take my walker outside in the snow and call Gibbs to follow. I opened the truck door and he went in. I prayed with Nick and sent them off to hunt. Real men don't cry, but a hay fever attach hit me and my eyes started to leak a little. I will always remember that day. 

Later that day they came back with a bunch of pheasants and Gibbs was tired and sat next to me. Rene started a fire in the fireplace and Gibbs slept the rest of the day, warm and content. Out of all of our dogs, Gibbs has been the only one who wanted to make sure that I was with him for the hunt. He is the only one who came back just for me. 

My point for the day is this. There might be a friend, a family member or a dog that wants to go with you somewhere. You are important to them. Make sure, if at all possible you take them along with you or come back for them. 

God bless.


Sunday, February 18, 2024

I Believe 2/18/2024

 Good Morning,

I am enjoying a slow morning and it is a day that I don't have anything planned. I will write and sip on my hot cup of Door County Breakfast Blend Coffee. There might be some breakfast on the schedule. I just don't know yet. 

2 Timothy 3:16 NKJV All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.

Matthew 4:4 NKJV But he answered. "It is written, Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word, that proceeds from the mouth of God. 

Hebrews 4:12 NKJV For the word of God is living and powerful., and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and the joints of marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

My wife Rene and I have a well stocked library and in it we have a few Bibles of different sizes, and versions. They either have been purchased or they were given to us as a gift or memento. I use the second one that I ever purchased and I read it the majority of the time. The first Bible I ever purchased was only in my possession for about ten days in 1981.  It was stolen out of my truck, while I was shopping for groceries. I often wonder what happened to it over the years. 

There are some days, that out of necessity I will use one of the many other Bibles we have for my daily devotion. Or due to convenience I can read from my lap top or telephone. The second Bible that I purchased to replace the stolen one has been with me on mission trips, vacations, and most always goes with me to church. It is worn, torn and tattered. If you look inside, you will see notes on the side of the pages, or in any spot that can be written in. I lost count on how many times I have read through this Bible. I would have to say that there are some tear stains in it. Not all the tears are mine.  Rene has asked me to retire that book and use a new one. I have politely refused and go on reading from this old beater.  That Bible has been with me in good times and bad. I have dined on God's Word, been comforted by the words within, instructed, and corrected by the holy contents. It has been used as a pillow to hold my head while taking a short nap during a mission trip. 

My point for today is this. I Believe! I believe that the Bible is God's Inspired Word, put to pen. I believe in all 66 books of the Bible and every word within it. And as long as I can read, I will turn to the Word of God daily. I believe that the majority of the time God speaks to me through His written word. 

I felt it  was important for those who read this blog to know a part of my statement of faith. 

Have a great day. Open your Bible


Saturday, February 17, 2024

The Day Stopped For Awhile 2/17/2024

 Good Morning,

I am just sitting here in relative darkness, working by firelight and the screen from my lap top. I have a small fire burning in the fireplace to heat up our home. My mug is filled with Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee. I am warm and content, so it is time to write.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 NLT For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. 

I think we all have experienced this emotion I want to speak of today. I am not sure how to describe it. So your memory and imagination might need to fill in the blanks. There are two ways to experience a day that seems to stop for awhile. During that moment, minute or hour, something good, if not great happened. For instance the day our daughter was born, it seemed like an eternity for her lungs to open and we heard her cry out with life. It really was only a few seconds before that joyful sound filled the room. For me the world stopped for awhile that day and nothing else mattered. I recall our wedding day and I really can't recall much of that day except hearing my wife say "I do". There are many days of great experiences, but only a few are those that seemed to stop the world in it's tracks for a moment. 

Then there are those experiences that we incur that do the same thing, but they are caused by a bad moment that takes your breath away and you just can't move by what you have heard or seen. You go numb and your body and mind seem to be in slow motion. For instance the phone rang one night and it was a hospital and my dad on the line. They were informing me that my mother was in critical condition and needed to be flown to a larger medical center. Within minutes I was on my way to that medical center to be there with my mother. It was a three hour trip. 45 minutes into the trip my phone rang again. The hospital chaplain was on the line. My mother never made it to the medical center. She passed away before the helicopter left the smaller institution. That stretch of highway never seemed so lonely. I recall turning around but I can't tell you where it was or if there was any traffic at all.

Now, when the phone rings later at night, the day always seems to stop for a second or two as I take a deep breath and answer the call. It seems that those calls are a practice run for bad news or some disaster.

My thought for the day is this. Make sure to celebrate those happy moments that take your breath away and stop the world for a short time. Burn them into your heart and mind. For the other days will also arrive and for some reason they are the ones that stay freshest in your mind. 

Pass on some love today to someone who is in need of a kind word or action. Recall a memory that was so good it seemed to stop the world just for you. Have a practice run for a great moment in life. 


Friday, February 16, 2024

When Your Mind Says Yes And The Bible Says No 2/16/2024

 Good Morning,

I just poured a very hot cup of Door County Jamaican Me Crazy Coffee and it is time for me to wake up and drink it. Here's to waking up!!

John 3:20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed, 21. But whoever lives by the truth, comes into the light, so that it might be seen plainly, that what they have done has been done in the sight of God. 

I believe that there isn't a man or woman who does not have to endure temptations from time to time. I would be a liar for sure if I said I didn't.

Now and then an idea or thought will come out of nowhere and lodge in our brain. Our pea sized brain starts to process the idea. The battle begins in our minds as to what is right or wrong. Then when we are even convinced that the idea is 70 kinds of wrong, we start to justify in our hearts and minds why we need to pursue the thought and how even though it is wrong, we can accomplish good with the idea. 

We stand our ground and we argue with God Almighty. We don't always say it aloud, but we defy what we know is right and pursue wrong. Without saying a word we actively defy God. Then when we are confronted by our actions, people will lie their way out of it. So as to not be confronted righteously, they withdraw, and get a case of nasty attitude because of fear.

You ask what that fear would be? The fear of having their wrongs pointed out and their story be found out to be a lie is the answer.

If it's wrong in the Bible, drop the idea like a red hot coal in a cheap cotton glove. Live a life worthy of being heard and seen. 

Happy Friday


Thursday, February 15, 2024

Common Sense And Sound Reasoning, Gone With The Wind? 2/15/2024

 Good Morning, 

A hot cup of Door County Churro Coffee is steaming next to me and it tastes as good as it smells. It is time to write. 

Proverbs 10:13 On the lips of him who has understanding, wisdom is found, but a rod for the back for him who lacks sense. 

I remember being 12 years old and my dad coming outside to adjust my thinking. I had been kicking field goals over the clothes lines in my makeshift football field normally known as the back yard. He objected vehemently about me kicking toward the house. After my chewing out session was done he departed with a bit of advice. "Use common sense!" It was at that moment in life when I realized that using common sense is to be a life long attribute to be used and sought after. I think Dad was spot on that day. The football came awfully close to hitting a bedroom window. I decided that some common sense could be used and it was not to share my reasoning with Dad as to why I was kicking toward the window. I was actually kicking that way to avoid the window and be more accurate. I reasoned that explaining my thoughts on directional kicking was best kept to myself.  That was common sense!

I believe that common sense and sound reasoning are missing in more people each year. If you steal a car and the police chase you and a stolen car full of people, common sense would tell you that stealing has a penalty. Driving at 100 miles per hour in an urban setting can lead to a crash. Sound reasoning would tell you that a crash at that speed can be and probably will be deadly. 

If you don't attend school, the chances of you becoming the CEO of a major corporation are slim at best. Common sense would tell you to go to school. 

If the authorities tell you to stay off of the ice and you decide to park your car on the ice and you and your car take an icy dip on a frigid night????? Well common sense would tell you to listen and heed the warning. A good hint would be the consistent 45 degree weather temperatures. Ice melts!

If more people would go back to using common sense and sound reasoning, we would have less tragedies. The tragedies and vigils to mourn  with the release of helium balloons that cause electrical shorts and lead to power outages, could  be averted by using common sense.  

Parents! Grandparents! It's up to you. You can prevent tragedies just by enforcing and teaching the rules of common sense. The life you save might be your own. 

We all need to practice common sense and sound reasoning. 


Wednesday, February 14, 2024

When The Phone Rings, Try This 2/14/2024

 Good Morning,

I will be heading out to the garage soon and I will be on my way for work. I have about a three hour drive to get where I am needed. So my Thermos bottle was filled with Door County Coconut Caramel Coffee and my pockets filled with hope. 

Proverbs 18:2 A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion. 

For many of us our home telephones and our cellular phones have caller ID features. This allows us to screen our calls as needed and block nuisance calls. We also can answer those callers who we will want to speak with. Sometimes the calls are ones we have to take, but don't want to.

Here is what I do. I prepare my heart and mind to take those calls. I don't answer the phone right away. I take time to pray for wisdom and the correct words I will need to handle the conversation with the caller. Before I call back, my emotional and wisdom gas tanks are filled to the brim. During the conversation I will listen intently, yet be praying at the same time. I only give the answers God wants me to deliver. If someone is stating a problem that includes me, I listen very closely and before I respond , I repeat what they said to me and ask if this is how they understand the issue. If we agree on what was said, I might not answer right away and I will ask for time to pray and think. I will agree to the time the issue needs to be discussed and I will make sure I am available. 

Sometimes people call for advice. I also will ask for us to pray before we continue or ask to hear what the problem really is. Once I have a grasp of the problem, I like to ask for more time in prayer and  I ask God to share His thoughts and I check my answer with Scripture. If my answer is not Scripturally sound, I know for sure my answer is not the correct one. Never rush to an answer, wait, and prepare.

God bless,


Tuesday, February 13, 2024

God Loves You 2/13/2024

 Good Morning,

The cup sitting next to me is full of steaming Door County Highlander Grog Coffee. It is actually a little too hot to drink it right away. I will let it cool just a bit and while I am waiting, I will begin to write. 

Psalm 17:8 Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.

Now and then we all need to be reminded that God loves us and that His love is described many ways. 

1. God's love is infinite,

2. God's love is incredible.

3. God's love is unfailing

4. God's love is for you. It is personal.

You are His child and His love can be counted on. When you face a personal mountain to climb, His love goes with you. So today, if the world seems to be closing in, run to God with it and rest in the shadow of His greatness. 


Monday, February 12, 2024

Starting The Week With Gusto. 2/12/2024

 Good Morning.

That aroma in the house is from the Door County Turtles In A Cup Coffee brewing in the kitchen. There is nothing groggy about this boy this morning. I am in attack mode. There is a lot to get done and a short time to get is done in today. 

Proverbs 6:9-11 How long will you lie there, "O Sluggard"? When will you arise from your sleep? 10. A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of your hands to rest, 11. and poverty will come upon you like a robber and want like an armed man. 

One nice thing about a busy day is that at the end of it, you are tired and hopefully you feel like you accomplished something. That makes for a good day. But, nothing happens unless you get up, get going and get it done. We all need a sense of accomplishment now and then and one way to feel good about a day is to accomplish some goals you set or goals that have been set for you. 

Sitting around the table and thinking about a chore or goal isn't accomplishing a thing. Moving forward is the goal for a successful day. Procrastinating just leads to depression and depression adds up and takes a toll on the body, mind and spirit. Life is not meant to be a Huckleberry Finn adventure. In all honesty Huckleberry was a fictional character who lived off of others efforts. It makes for great reading but not a great example of ambition. 

My mother used to say. " The best place to look for a helping hand is at the end of your own arm"

So today, if you feel like being sluggish, one day is ok. String a few days together and you have a problem. Get moving and you can make this day a great one.


Sunday, February 11, 2024

Sunday Morning Thoughts 2/11/2024

 Good Morning, 

The coffee in my mug this morning Is Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee and it is very hot. 

1 Thessalonians 4:11 Aspire to live quietly and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you. 

I would like to set the scene for a few seconds. I am at my desk, the lighting is just bright enough to see what I am doing, the radio is set to gospel back ground music, the coffee mug is at my right hand and our two dogs have been fed. It is still dark outside and it is a little chilly. Frost has covered the ground. I am surrounded by mementoes of hunting trips and mission trips. There is a collection of books that needs to be thinned or some donated. At my desk there is a stack of work needing to be completed before I head out for work tomorrow. Except for the light music it is very quiet.

I have finished praying and saying thanks to the Almighty and normally I would say "it is time to write".  I am taking some time to count my blessings and enjoy the quiet. I believe I will just leave it at that and give this advice. 

Sometimes, you just have to take in some quiet, drink some coffee, give thanks and pray, and let some easy music soothe your soul. I don't know what the rest of the day will bring, but I will cherish the quiet beginning with God , me and the dogs, and a hot cup of coffee. 

God bless, 


Saturday, February 10, 2024

Paper Roses 2/10/2024

 Good Morning,

My day began with the same way yesterday ended. I found myself falling to sleep in prayer for some friends of mine and a family member who are all fighting some form of cancer. I woke up and they were prayed for again. I am at the desk now, with a hot cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee and it is time to write.

Valentines day is coming this week and I probably look forward to celebrating it more than my wife does. It gives me a chance to buy a sappy card and some token of my love for her and she has to smile whether she likes what I came up with or not. 

Back in 1973 Marie Osmond released her version of the song Paper Roses. It hit the pop and country charts and was a huge success. And to be honest Miss Marie was the apple of the eye for many a young man in 1973 this guy included. The words of that song still ring true in my mind. 

I realized the way your eyes deceived me 

with tender looks that I mistook for love

So take away the flowers that you gave me and send the kind that you remind me of. 

Paper Roses, Paper Roses,

So guys, this week take a moment or two to self assess your love for your better half and make sure you aren't handing her a life of paper roses. 

1. Lead the family and your relationship with unbreakable love. Let them see you as a gift from God

2. Provide for them as best as you are able.

3. Make sure they are safe from this world.

4. Let your speech be soft and assuring.

5. Let your yes be yes and your no be no. Speak the truth.

6. Be a peacemaker.

7. Remember to keep the proper order in life. God first, family second, you are third.

8. Paper roses are fake, don't be untrue with your love.

Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church. 

Men, a love that is not made of paper for the world to see, is one that stands tall and makes sacrifices for her and the family, just as Christ did for us.

Food for thought.


Friday, February 9, 2024

Paying Your Taxes To The Dogs 2/9/2024

 Good Morning,

I set the coffee maker on auto last night. So I woke up to a hot cup of Door County Country Morning Blend Coffee and after some prayer, I put on my smile!

Our two Springer Spaniels, Gibbs and Leo are live in dogs. The four of us share our home and to be honest, I  love it that way. That companionship is priceless, comical and sometimes a handful to deal with. It is amazing how the opening of a food package such as potato chips has the the ability to restore hearing to our older dog who is quite deaf. One crinkle from the package wakes up the "food tax collectors" in a heart beat. Not really big on having to pay the tax collectors who are willing to stare you down because you are delinquent, we submit to their strong arm tactics.

Proverbs 27:23 Know well the condition of your flocks, and give attention to your herds. 

Where is this going? Well if you own dogs, you might understand the process and just how it works. They don't receive a lot of "at random" food, but it does make it easier to get them to take down a medication when necessary. Actually that is a wimpy excuse for saying "come and get a carrot stick!"

Have a great day. Go feed your animals, and don't forget the kids too!


Thursday, February 8, 2024

The Cool Side Of The Pillow 2/8/2024

 Good Morning, 

My pot of Door County Jamaican Me Crazy Coffee is just about finished brewing and I can tell you this. I am anxious to start in on that first cup.

Philippians 2:3-4 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 4. Let each of you not only look to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. 

On Tuesday  afternoon, I was in the oral surgeons chair once again to continue repairs to my teeth and mouth. This process started last year and hopefully after a set back we are on our way to completion by this fall. Last night we let the temperature drop a little lower than normal in the house. An extra blanket was needed on the bed. I am one who turns in my bed a few times a night, During the process of turning over I always move my face or move the pillow around so that I go back to sleep using the part or side of the pillow that is cool to the touch, not having been warmed up by my face. So in dropping the temperature in our home it afforded me the luxury of having a cooler pillow than normal. This felt good on my face and helped me to sleep better with the pain I was experiencing. A simple home aide that worked for me. 

Where is this going today? My wife Rene was in full agreement with my plan and she remarked that she too likes a cool pillow up against her face in the night. I did not know this about her and we have been married 1000 years. So even at our "getting older age" we can still learn things about each other. We thought we knew everything about us. We have always been open books to each other. This was no big deal, but we have both agreed that a small drop in the sleeping temperature would be beneficial to both of us. It might even save us some money??? I always thought Rene was cold at night and I had the temperature higher for her. We both laughed and I said "look at all the money we could have saved." Rene laughed and replied. "Yes we could have saved enough to buy a cold ice cream on a hot day. And offset the expense of being used to that colder temperature in the summer"! Except for the comfort pleasure, it was a no win in the expense category. 

Never believe that you know all there is to know about your spouse. Be willing to learn, as age makes changes and seek to provide unselfish comfort to one another. 

Have a great day!!!


Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Waiting On The Lord 2/7/2024

 Good Morning.

I am drinking a hot mug of Door County Churro Coffee this morning and I just might have two cups before I really start my day.

Habakkuk 2:3For still the vision awaits it's appointed time; it hastens to the end, it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it, it will surely come, wait for it. 

I for one, do not like to wait in lines for anything. My patience is on a short leash especially in a doctors office. I understand that there are emergencies and such, that can make the wait time a little longer, even excessive. I did however have a video appointment and I was told to be in front of my computer 15 minutes earlier than the appointment. I was right on time and then the doctors assistant came on to the screen and told me that he would be a little longer and I should hang in there. Every 15 minutes, the staff would check in with me and they would tell me to "hang in there". This lasted for two hours. I feared going to the rest room in case I would miss my appointment. After they came back on line for the last time, they said we would need to reschedule and that it would be in two weeks. I laughed and accepted the appointment. 

Now, for my point. If I were to ask people in my church, if God was always on time. They would say YES! If I asked them if He was ever late or too early, they would say no. That would be the answer I would expect and the answer they would give me. 

There is a big what if here. What if when we ask God for something and we have to wait for the answer, do we get impatient with Him? Friends, part of the answer to prayer is more than a yes or no. There is at times an extended wait and we need to understand that God knows how long we should wait. It's like watching a chef roast a prime rib and he knows just how long to roast it for the perfect slice of beef. And on a prime rib roast not everyone likes the same type of slice. It could be rare, medium rare, medium, medium well, or well done. God's answers and timing are specific to each person. He knows just how long we should wait for His perfect answer.

So next time you are waiting on God, just know that He has the answer and that one is just for you. You might have to wait and waiting is not our specialty. But God knows just how long of a wait is best for us.


Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Advice For The Day. Pursue Peace 2/6/2024

 Good Morning,

This morning I have in front of me a very hot cup of Door County Toasted Praline Coffee. My intentions are to have that hot coffee warm up this cold body. 

Psalm 34:13-14 Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies. 14. Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. 

I have a little advice for us all today. As we all like to have peace in our personal lives, I have concluded that I can't order a big box of peace through Amazon or Market Place. It just isn't there. I could ask my friends and family to send me some, but it is not theirs to dispense. I just can't sit in front of the computer and wish for personal peace. 

Peace is an item that must be pursued and it is often missed, while we wait for someone else to deliver it. Even the peace of God that Christians enjoy had to be sought and asked for. Once we ask, we have to accept the peace and then practice peace. No greater peace do I have than to know Jesus as my Lord and Savior. 

The peace I am speaking of is the personal peace we need to practice. As we walk through life we could be at odds with someone else. We can't even agree to disagree without passing insults back and forth. We can't seem to forgive, let alone forget. We can't fathom our vacancy of peace to be at all our fault. A grudge is carried and we just cannot find peace within. We don't see our lack of peace as a sin that we like to keep.  

My advice for us today is to actively seek peace. In seeking peace, we might have to grant peace to others. Others need to know that bridges have been mended and you seek to be at peace with them. Anything less, is just a wild dream and a foolish journey. The worst is that we lie to ourselves by not seeking peace with those who are important to us. We want peace but are not willing to seek it and pass it on to others.

So my friends pursue peace. Pursue it like a bird dog seeking to flush it's prey. Then live it and grant it to others. 

Have a great day.


Monday, February 5, 2024

What's The Plan? 2/5/2024

 Good Morning,

My choice for my morning beverage is Door County Toasted Praline Coffee and breakfast is Cheerios smothered with blueberry yogurt. It is time to write.

Proverbs 11:14 Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety. 

Our head pastor at church asked me if I could submit our plan of fellowship events for the Men's Ministry and our Saturday Evening service. He was interested in getting the plan for 2024. To be honest, I have been quite busy and have been flying by the seat of my pants for a few months. I had an idea as to what we might be doing, but nothing was really cemented into the calendar. Fortunately I am surrounded by others on our team and when I consulted them, had some great ideas and at this time all we needed were the early plans. Details are in the works. They came through with ideas and how to make it work. One fellowship has us seeing some fireworks. 

God has surrounded me with some great partners in our church work and they make it easy to pull off events from start to finish. I never really remember to point them out and get them some recognition. When I do, they blush and say "I just like to help". I won't mention them by name and spot them out today. They know who they are and what a blessing they are to many. And especially me!

Now and then a plan seems to be headed toward some major issues. Not only do they work hard, they pray hard. When I count my blessings I just have to count my partners in service to the Lord and God's people.

Don't forget to thank those who help you, help others. 


Sunday, February 4, 2024

When Worry Wins The Battle 2/4/2024

 Good Morning,

The house is a little cold this morning. I have a small fire burning in the fireplace and I know that pretty soon the house will be warmed up. My mother once told me that a cold house makes the coffee taste better. I tend to think she was correct with that statement. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Coconut Caramel Coffee and it is time to write. 

We all from time to time worry about something and it is a natural response to something happening in our lives. It could be illness, finances, a wayward child or a disengaged spouse. Our jobs take up some brain space and cause us to worry about longevity, or deadlines. Maybe it is an approaching storm or an automobile that needs repairs and the money tree hasn't blossomed in a long time. 

How can you tell if worry is winning the battle? Look at your sleep pattern, if you are not sleeping well, worry is winning. If your diet is changing and you aren't eating or you are binging on food constantly, worry is winning.  When you disengage from your friends and family, worry is winning. 

I would be a hypocrite to sit here and tell you not to worry and that I never worry. I would be lying to you. But I will say this, worrying is not healthy, and God does tell us through His word that worrying does not help any situation. I agree totally with God. And when I find myself in a worried knot, I do have to go to Him and admit my weakness, turn it over to Him and place all my trust in the fact that God makes the world spin and He will lead me to the conclusion of my worries. He leads me to still waters and guides me through the turmoil. 

Matthew 6:25-34 Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, or what you will put on. Is life not more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26. Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 27. Which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life. 28. And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, 29. yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory, was not arrayed like one of these, 30. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive, and thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not clothe you, O you of little faith? 31. Therefore, do not be anxious, saying,  'What shall we eat?' 'Or what shall we  drink?' or 'what shall we wear?'  32. For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all. 33. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you. 34. Therefore, do not be anxious  about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is it's own trouble. 

Psalm 56:3 When I am afraid , I put my trust in You.

I hope this helps my friends. God Bless,


Saturday, February 3, 2024

Complaining Less 2/3/2024

 Good Morning,

This will be one busy Saturday for me and it needed to start early. Prayer came first and then I filled my cup with some Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee . It is time to write. 

Philippians 2:14-15 Do all things without complaining and disputing, 15. that you may become blameless and harmless, children without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation among whom you shine as lights in the world. 

I was always taught that a person should go to work, on time. That same persons should be diligent to perform their job with gusto and perform it well. Throughout my working life I tried to live those work standards. 

I have this thought for today. I believe that some people complain so much that they must be getting paid to do so. The Seinfeld show was a perfect example about friends who actually mastered the art of complaining. It was an entertaining show. But the behavior of the friends actually mimics many real life people. Once they start complaining it becomes contagious and soon there after our friends, family, or coworkers join in and make one sour mash of a day. 

Charles Spurgeon had this to say about complaining.  "If we complained less, and praised more, we should be happier, and God would be more glorified." 

My dad also had a quote for whining. "Quit your whining. Come over here and I will give you something to whine about" I never took him up on the offer.

So for today, let's try to stop ourselves from complaining, step back, pray, and then praise God for a blessing. I think we just might improve our demeanor, outlook, and our behavior. 

Have a great day!


Friday, February 2, 2024

Stop The Litter 2/2/2024

 Good Morning,

Friday it is, and the best way to start the day is with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee. It is time to write.

Photo Credit Rich Rys

Getting my computer fixed took me to visit an old friend this last week. Besides our dedication to prayer we both share a love for the outdoors. I lean more toward hunting and he leans more toward fishing. My friend has shared some fresh fish filets with me and they made for a great fish fry. I have sent his way a few pheasant treats and fresh garlic from the garden. 

Psalm 8:3-4 3. When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 4. what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?

One thing that saddens us both is the lack of concern by others for keeping our outdoor world beautiful and pristine. Litter seems to abound and people don't care how much garbage they leave behind, in the woods, lakes and streams. Both of us have a real dislike for people who litter and do not police the area they used on the lake or in the woods. My thought is that we should always leave the outdoors better than we found it or at least as good as it was.

This requires commitment to nature and you might just have to haul out someone else's trash.  I believe heavy fines and public service are in order for people who litter. Give them a stretch of highway or river to clean up while wearing yellow coveralls that let everyone know the crime they committed. This might curb their desire to litter. 

God gave us this world to use, not abuse. 

Food for thought.


Thursday, February 1, 2024

Just Water And Food Isn't Enough. 2-1-2024

 Good Morning,

I will be headed out for work soon and I will be taking along a hot cup of Door County Jamaican Me Crazy Coffee. It is good to be working this morning. 

Ephesians 5:21 Submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ. 

As most of you know, we have two Springer Spaniels in our home. Leo and Gibbs are their names. Gibbs is well into 12 years of being with us and Leo is going on five. When we first brought Leo home as a puppy, the reception from Gibbs was not all that nice. For about two weeks there was some growling and at times it was a little fierce. Gibbs did not like the invasion of his territory Time passed and with each day the tolerance grew, to the point that the two could actually play around without a tussle. Leo learned to respect Gibbs as the older authority in his life and Gibbs assumed the role of the leader. With age the roles have reversed and Gibbs relies on Leo quite a bit. Gibbs can't hear much at all and Leo runs to get him when it is time to eat or bark at the door. 

But just the other day Leo wasn't feeling too well and was tired out from a tough hunt. I fed him some extra food, medicated him , cleaned him up, scratched his ears, and made sure he received some petting and kind words. Later  I was working at my desk and the two dogs who usually sit apart on the floor were both curled up together on one dog bed. They slept like that for about two hours. I believe Leo just needed to be close to his buddy and also needed to know that Gibbs had his back. 

This could all be wishful thinking on my part but I know that Leo responded to the rest and closeness of his buddy. What I had done was necessary for Leo and it just wasn't enough. 

Friends, we get awfully busy and we do all the right things that one would expect with our families. But a meal, a hello and goodbye is not enough. Time spent with our family and meeting their needs requires more than a good morning and good night spoken out of obligation. Quality time and affection are needed. It might cause you to slow down and do something you would rather not do, but it needed to be done. That time together can never be replaced and once the hour is gone and not used, it is gone forever. 

Think about it and see if we can't do better than to eat and run!

God bless,
