Sunday, October 11, 2020

The Simple Things 10/11/2020

Good Morning,

The day has begun and compared to yesterday it is a total opposite. It is cold and damp outside and I am sitting at my desk drinking a hot cup of Door County Wisconsin Harvest Blend Coffee. I am comfortable and the aroma from a roaster filled with Italian pork is making it's way to the den. Time to write.

This Covid 19 thing has made many of us return to the basics. More people are staying home and enjoying what God has given them. We have discovered bonfires and quiet music. There is now a shortage on canning lids because people have started gardening more and preserving the harvest God blessed them with. I found that I like dehydrated apples and a few slices in my oatmeal does wonders for my spirit and my taste buds. When I see the apples in the oatmeal I am reminded me of Who blessed us with a nice crop. The food dehydrator received a big work out this fall. 

Ecclesiastes 3:13 Also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in his toil. This is God's gift to man.

Rene and I have always been simple folks and like it that way. We try to never make things confusing or difficult. We do dine out now and then with restaurants known to follow all of the safety rules for Covid but that is very few. Television right now is one political ad after another and the ads are ugly. So very little television is watched right now. 

Psalm 19:7 The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise, the simple.

A few weeks ago, I buried my sister and before she passed my brother and I visited her twice. The first time we were there we knew she would be passing, yet she was still alive and boisterous like she usually was. She said to me, "don't forget to celebrate now and then, especially birthdays". A week later we visited her on her death bed. She was awake but unresponsive. That advice of celebrating stuck with me. Today I am rejoicing over the fact that a buddy of mine who, we are praying for is up and moving one day after a hip replacement. I am very happy for him. Another dear lady friend of ours was just released from the hospital where she had been extremely ill. We celebrated last night in prayer and thanksgiving. 

Tonight Rene and I will be dining on stuffed apples. It's the same stuffing you would make for a turkey. It is just packed into apples that have been hollowed out.

Some people might find our life boring and that's ok. I find it kind of exciting as I look for reasons to celebrate. And celebrate we will. I believe I will find the simple things more often than not are providing quiet and peaceful reasons to celebrate. 

Friends, look around you today at your blessings, like your children, your home, your coffee, and then celebrate. I am drinking my coffee today from a mug given to me by friends. It is often pictured in this blog. Today I am celebrating the two friends who gave it to me and duck hunting which I hope to be doing at the end of the week, Take away the frowns and replace them with smiles. You are loved. Keep it simple!



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