Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Motive Behind The Table Games 5/10/2020

Good Morning,

The day began with a big cup of Door County Pecan Cinnamon Ice Cream Coffee and a smile. Happy Mother's day to all the ladies out there.

Psalm 139:13-16  13. For You formed my inward parts; You knitted me together in my mother's womb.
14. I praise you,  for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works. My soul knows that very well.
15. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven.
16. Your eyes saw my unformed substance, all my days formed for me were written in Your book, when as yet there were none of them.

Today we all remember our mothers, grandmothers, aunts, teachers and in general any female that mothered on us.  As I was taking the walk upstairs to my den to write this morning I had a smile on my face. I knew I would be writing about my mom and knowing that, my mind turned to the rolls my mom used to make. They were known as Nana buns.

It's not the buns I want to write about. My mother had a few board and dice games that you just knew were going to come out whenever you would visit. She would especially love to play those games with the grand kids and you just knew that sooner or later they would all insist that you play a round or two with them. I never was much for the games even as a kid, but I would get looped in and before you knew it the clock had run on to midnight.

I often wondered how mom could sit there for a few hours and play these games. Now that she is gone from us I see the motive behind the games. Mom always made a big deal about making sure we had a big dinner while we were there. The table always had room for one more somehow. That same table would be turned into the game table later. Those games were just a ploy to have her family around the table to have some fun, but most of all to be closer to her instead of hitting the recliner and watching television. Mom also used to advocate strongly for going somewhere for a picnic. This always confused me, because we could eat outside on their deck which had a view of a beautiful lake. To me, that was a picnic. There was no need to pack the food and go somewhere, fighting mosquitoes to eat. Mom and I would argue that one for many years. I now know that she would do that just to get under my skin a little and make my blood pressure rise. I caught on after she started her picnic talk, got me going, and as she was walking away she couldn't hide her smile and her laugh.

Today I would give anything to play a game of Sorry with Mom or even finally give in and go on a stupid picnic. So instead I will make some Nana buns, wipe a tear from my eye and thank God for Mom, grandma, and my Aunts who taught me so much, played games with us, and listened when times were tough.

So today if you find yourself still able to call mom, or if possible during this Covid Mothers Day visit, do so. The game table has been silent for many years now, it closed suddenly and never reopened. For some, not all mom memories are good ones. I choose to forget any of those I might have and hope my mom forgave me for all the disappointments I put her through.  Your first visit from God was within her womb. Remember that and be grateful for that first heavenly visit.

God bless.


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