Sunday, October 6, 2019

Apple Syrup Instead 10/6/2019

Good Morning,

The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine upon you; and be gracious to you. I was thinking about how to address all of you this morning while drinking my cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and I recalled this verse from Numbers 6:24-25. There is no better way to say good morning than to ask God to bless all of you.

Isaiah 30:21 Your ears hall hear a word behind you, saying; "This is the way. Walk in it."

Our apple harvest started a few weeks ago and to describe it as poor would be very accurate. The apple trees endured a super bad winter last year. The blossoms were pounded with frost in the spring and the baby apples had to fight off another frost later. Then came the heat waves that baked the apples before they ever hit the pie tin.  The end result showed us some very poor apples and there weren't as many as we are used to harvesting.

We made a couple of pies so far and were able to also salvage some applesauce to eat later this year. We shared one box of the apples which is usually multiple boxes with a friend of ours. Yesterday while picking that box full I began to pray because throwing out the apples just seemed to hurt. I asked God if there was anything we could do.

Well, a thousand years ago God gave to me my wife. My help mate and partner often hears from God and she suggested we try making apple juice out of the poor battered apples. Rene said "you like apple juice and cider, maybe this is a juice year." That sounded like a way not to be wasteful so my spirit was renewed and picking the apples was easier.

Last night I was poking around on the internet and prayed about the apples again. Besides a pie which is Rene's favorite what could I surprise her with out of the apples. I was led to try making apple syrup. Now if you ever want to see a happy lady, watch my wife's face light up when I make and serve her some apple pancakes or some French Toast. So I went to work last night juicing and starting my first ever batch of apple syrup. To thicken it I needed to boil it off slowly. I placed the mixture in a small crock pot and let it cook down through the night. I awoke to the awesome aroma of hot apple syrup this morning and can't tell you how much better it makes me feel that the apples can be used. My relatives and family used to make maple syrup out in the woods when they were younger. My little syrup production made me recall those loved ones I miss so much. My next batch will be made outside over a fire, just to honor them and make me feel good.

Two things happened here. My wife and partner was used by God to suggest an alternative. The alternative led to another alternative. Not wanting to be selfish God gave us the ability to have something we can share and my wife will have a treat that will last until the fall harvest next year, Lord willing there is one. God took a poor harvest and helped us to make something out of it. I guess the trees needed a break.

In January I will prune the apple trees heavily and I will save the apple wood trimmings to smoke meat with. The whole time I am doing this I will see those spring blossoms in my mind and hope I see them again in the spring like I have for that last 25 years.

So the lesson learned is this. Listen to your spouse. God uses them to direct you. And when things don't work out as planned, turn to the Great Planner and ask "what do we do now?"

Have a great day.


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