Friday, October 18, 2013

Greendale Panthers and Thank You 10/18/13

Good Morning.
Friday once again and I am ready for it. Started today with a hot cup of Door County Caramel Apple Coffee.

Last night I went to watch my nephew Matt play in his high school football game. Greendale and South Milwaukee were facing each other for the conference championship game. It was Wisconsin weather for football. 42 degrees and had been drizzling all day. Damp and cold was the flavor of the weather. Being an avid duck hunter helped me to dress for the event. I really have no shortage of warm clothes. So I bundled up like something out of "Duck Dynasty" and went to the game. It was a great game if you were cheering for Greendale. The Panthers won 41-7. Matt played very well and I was very proud to be his uncle.

But there was something that left me feeling a little more proud. I could not stay for the awarding of the conference trophy. I headed for home and just as I got through the door the phone rang. My brother had told Matt that I was at the game. Matt called and I told him what a great game it was and how well I thought he played. Then I heard on the other end of the line. "Uncle Marty thank you for coming to my game".

You see to me every second of that cold weather was worth it. Not to hear a thanks for coming, but to know it warmed Matt's heart. The thank you came from his heart and from being raised to be thankful for family and friends.

Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV)

Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.
Matt you are a great football player. Better yet your heart is in the right place.
Have a great day,

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