Friday, March 10, 2023

New Every Morning 3/10/2023

 Good Morning,

Friday it is and I am glad it arrived. Lots of snow to shovel this morning and I just filled my cup with Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee. It is time to write. 

I recall the way we used to make a decision about a play in a pickup baseball game in the local field. Of course the game was played with intensity because we as kids were competitive. We did not have an umpire to make the calls of an out or a foul ball. Even the best of friends could disagree. What was decided if there was a disputed call is that the play would receive a do over. You just replayed the at bat and whatever happened in the replay was considered the final story. The previous play or at bat was forgotten and not brought up again. 

I would never compare the Lord's love for us to a pick up baseball game but there is an analogy that can be made. In Lamentations 3:22-23 we see the example God sets with forgiving, forgetting and granting a do over. If men and women could just learn from this passage life would have a lot more happy music written into it every day. 

Lamentations 3:22-23 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end. 23. They are new every morning, great is your faithfulness. 

Every morning God packs us up a bag of His love, patience and mercy. As a mere imperfect human, I am sure that I run afoul enough that I need a do over on some of my mistakes, So that bag of mercy needs to be replenished. If we were to treat others in the same way we are treated by God we would instantly forgive and not let a day go by with hurt and anger taking away from experiencing a walk with God. In turn we would seek a do over, a replay of the day where we screwed up and make amends, learning from our mistakes. I am so glad God is faithful to us and never stops loving on us. 

Have a great weekend!


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