Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Cans From Mike 3/22/2023

 Good Morning,

I am headed to work very early this fine morning and I will be burning the midnight oil as well. I just poured a small cup of door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee and it is time to write. 

Every Tuesday night we hold a Bible study at church for guys who want to gather and study the Word of God. Now, just down the street from our church is an assisted living home. One of the residents is a member of our church. Mike is his name. He resides in assisted living due to a stroke that has him a little slow on speech and some motor skills. Last December we Christmas Caroled there and since then Mike has become a regular on Saturday nights for the church service held then. He also attends the Men's Bible study. 

Mike heard me telling someone to put some empty aluminum cans into the back of my truck for my wife to recycle. The proceeds for the cans goes to assist the people of Ukraine with water and food. He asked me if he could help by bringing the cans from his residence. Mike told me that the cans just get thrown out. So last night when I picked up Mike for Bible study he came outside with a big bag of cans for Rene to recycle. I quote. "I am happy to help. Even I can save cans." I asked Mike if he would like to help out with other things we do. He smiled and said "YES" As of yet I am not sure what that will be, but the lesson I learned is this. We tended to treat Mike as a guest and we wanted to serve him. And in some instances we do need to assist him, especially with travel assistance. But he has been waiting to find a way that he can help out. Mike is a church member, but wanted to be a member that serves somehow and someway. We overlooked his desire to feel needed and usable. 

I think, we all mean well when we assist others. But whenever possible we need to find a way to let them help and feel useful. Not only to feel useful, but also not to hurt their pride. It's nice to know that you can pay back kindness if others will let you. So my friends this is another lesson this old man learned about inclusiveness. 
