Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Coyotes Be Aware Very Aware 10/1/2019

Good Morning,

A cup of Door County Heavenly Caramel Coffee is siting in front of me, two dogs are sleeping near my feet and it is time to write.

In our part of the world we have a coyote problem and we are not allowed to discharge a firearm where I live. So shooting them would be illegal. I have done combat with one of them and he met the sharp end of a garden shovel. It was a battle I prefer not to have to do again. The coyotes are always on the prowl looking for smaller creatures that they can carry away, kill and eat. This includes family pets. The coyotes were actually brought into the area to control the skunk population. The skunks are controlled and now the coyotes are flourishing. They have become a dangerous nuisance. What started out as a good solution isn't and we have ourselves a bigger problem.

1 Peter 5:8 Be sober. Be vigilant. Your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking those he can devour.

We have two dogs and our yard is not fenced in. The older dog knows the boundaries and does not wander. The puppy on the other hand, well let's just say this, he has a lot to learn. So when they are let outside to play and to do dog business I am out there with them and at night our property is well illuminated. But like a shepherd is to his sheep I am the "dog shepherd" and my job is to protect them from hazards.

Both dogs know my voice and can tell when I mean business. The older dog comes to me right away, but that puppy has a mind of his own yet and hasn't given in to my will needs to be his will. This means I need to be more vigilant until he learns to listen to the master, because his strong will puts him in harms way.

Friends, we are all a lot like puppies. We venture off the path that God intends for us. We head into things that seem to be no danger at all and we end up surprised when the traps of life entangle us and bite hard. It is the evil one who lures us into complacency and a false sense of security. I was just listening to a story about a new widower who removed all alcohol from his house. He was afraid to have the temptation of a drink to ease the pain of loss and loneliness and end up being an addiction. This was a smart move. He took what seems harmless and removed it from becoming s debilitating crutch that won't work anyway.

We need to be careful and acknowledge that Satan wants to ruin lives and he does it by sneaking in and goes unnoticed until it is too late. The bright lights in our yard light up the night and give me the ability to see any dangers in the yard. They also scare away the predators lurking to make my dogs their dinner.

The best way to avoid the attack of the evil one it to be closer to the Light. John 8:12 Then Jesus spoke and said. "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.

So my friends be aware of allowing what seems to be harmless into your homes and lives. If it is harmful Jesus will show it to you and call you away from it. You need to learn to respond to the call of the Master and make His will yours.

Have a great day.


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