Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Puppy Came Home 10/24/2019

Good Morning,

My mug is overflowing with Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee and that is a joy. Yet my heart is concerned for friends battling depression and lack of directions. I am deep in prayer for them.

For the last month I have been laid up with illness and then a foot injury. In order for our new puppy Leo to continue with training and not be ignored while I was incapacitated we sent him off to be kenneled and trained at the same time. Our future hunting retriever went to camp. Feeling much better now we took the trip to "retrieve Leo". While there I spent time with Jeff our friend and trainer. He brought Leo out and after giving me a quick sniff Leo proceeded to run and show us what he has learned. He ran and acted just like a hunting puppy. He wants to find birds and he knows what they are and where they might be. For a few minutes he covered ground without rhyme or reason and he was a little bit out of control. Jeff reassured me that Leo was just being a puppy and that once he was done airing out we would see what he does while in a controlled setting. He did not want to squash his excitement. At the same time Jeff was developing a plan to start working Leo in closer to the master and not charge ahead.  The first few minutes observing Leo showed what we needed to work on.

So the "Springer Whisperer" got Leo's attention and we both started working with Leo giving him simple hunting commands and a lot of encouragement. Lots and lots of encouragement and praise was given. I know he is my dog and I am partial to him, but I think he did great.

Last night I repeated some of the training at home, keeping with the praise and not getting disturbed by puppy antics that creep in. Leo responded again with a great performance. He was encouraged with every step and rewarded with a small treat. He was one happy dog in both training sessions.

Friends, I am positive that if we applied this technique to people who just need encouragement in a somewhat structured setting we will see them achieve more for themselves and others. There are times when we need to be stern, but those times will be less if the folks are trying to please God, themselves and others. They learn to trust the teacher who has their best interest at heart when the teacher/friend encourages them and leads them toward success. In a year or so Leo will become the leader. He will let me take him hunting and set a direction. But it will be Leo that leads me to the downed ducks or to the pheasant waiting to be flushed.  I will learn to trust his nose and his desire to please me.

Proverbs 12:25 Anxiety in a mans heart causes depression. But a good word makes it glad. 

You see when we invest in others and encourage them they often will lead others to success as they were taught. But as Jeff did with Leo he observed for a few minutes and knew what needed to be encouraged/taught. A good encourager observes and listens so as not to encourage the wrong behaviors.

Today, encourage someone who just needs some positive attention or a push to keep going.  You never know how close someone might be to quitting on themselves. A little nudge in the right direction and some encouragement to keep going will go a long way.

God bless,


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