Monday, October 14, 2019

The First Frost Strikes Again. 10/14/2019

Good Morning,

The mug sitting next to me is full of Door County Innkeepers Blend Coffee and my goal is to have an empty mug very soon. I pray that all who read this blog will be filled with love from above.

I went outside this morning with our dog and saw graffiti on the windshield of my truck and I wasn't all that upset about it. The white paint on the window will easily be removed by some sunshine later this morning. Yes I am talking about frost. We received our first frost and it painted the grass and cars pretty well. My charismatic side made me look to see if God had left a message written in the icy sign on the glass. Much to my surprise He did. He said in an unwritten and unspoken word. "It's cold outside. Where is your hat and coat? Why are you wearing gym shorts?

Yes my attire was not meant for the cold and it didn't take me too long to realize my foolishness and return to the house and warm up.

Friends, God gave us "Common Sense" and we are to use it. Our bodies have warning signs. When it's cold we shiver and shake. When it's hot we sweat. Each bodily function whether it is cold or hot needs to be acknowledged and action taken. But we will talk about the cold for a minute. Everyone does have common sense. Not everyone has a coat, hat or gloves. Some people do not even possess socks. Here is a simple ask. Go through your closets and look to see what hasn't been worn for a long time and probably never will. Take it to the clothing recycle center near you. Or if need be give it directly to someone. Call a school and tell them what sizes you might have. They will know of a kid who needs a coat. Purchase a pair of socks and put them in the pockets of the coats. What a nice surprise for the person who gets the coat and now receives a new pair of socks.

Matthew 25:40  And the King will say, "Whatever you did for the least of my brothers you did for Me.

We are to share from the bounty given to us and make a difference in the lives of others. Stay warm or cool, whatever the climate brings you and have a great day.


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