Tuesday, October 29, 2019

MY Wife And My Coffee 10/29/2019

Good Morning,

I just came in from a short walk outside. I needed some cold air and sometime walking to unscramble my head. I took a cup of Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee with me. The walk and some prayer time took me out of a place that I didn't like in my soul. 

Proverbs 5:18 May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice with the wife of your youth.

The other day a friend of mine asked me where he could get some of The Door County Coffee that I drink daily and write about. https://www.doorcountycoffee.com/ I have been drinking their coffee for many years now.  This link should take you to their web page.

Let me tell you the story as to how I met my coffee company. Probably about 12 years ago now maybe more I was being pulled in 100 different directions at work, church and home. I needed three of me to keep up. That fall I was able to duck hunt a couple of times and sleep at that time wasn't a luxury I afforded myself. A couple days after a duck hunt I picked up a tickle in my throat with a slight cough. It wasn't anything too big to worry about. By January this cough had turned ugly and it started weighing me down. I had no time for doctors and thought I could cure this with vitamins and cough medicine. Within another month I was finding it hard to climb one flight of stairs. While working one day I experienced chest pains that were frightening. I found out later that day when I visited an emergency room that I had an infection around my heart. I now had to spend a few days in intensive care. I really was afraid and so was my wife. Upon leaving the ICU Rene informed me that she had made arrangements though our Health Care System to have IV therapy administered in Door County Wisconsin. She advised me to find us a place to stay for the next five days. My boss met me on the way out of the hospital and told me to get better and he did not want to see me until the doctor cleared me to work.

Off we went to a land that for the most part closes up right after Christmas. I complained that there would be nothing to do. That was her plan. "Read, watch television, sleep, eat, and rest. " were her orders. After the third day of resting, and reading a lot We decided to go out for breakfast and try this "Coffee Company" we had heard about. They also serve a small menu of food there. I recall ordering baked oatmeal and Rene having scrambled eggs and toast. I also ordered a cup of Door County White Christmas Coffee. While drinking the best coffee I had ever tasted I looked across the table and saw what my illness had done to her. She was extremely worried and it showed physically. It was there and then that I realized just what a blessing she is to me. While eating she made me promise not to do this again and start taking better care of myself. I still struggle doing that and I get so busy that I forget to rest enough and relax. I am doing better with that bad habit, but I still struggle with it.

On that day sitting in the coffee shop I fell in love with her all over again. I haven't brewed another brand of coffee ever since that day.  When I pour that first cup of java in the morning and enjoy the flavor and aroma I am reminded of the gift of a wife God gave to me.

So that's the story of my wife, my coffee and me. Take care of yourself. Someone is counting on you.


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