Saturday, October 26, 2019

The First Cup Of Coffee 10/26/2019

Good Morning,

I am ready to write to all of you.  I can smell the Door County Highlander Grog brewing in the kitchen and it should be finished very soon. I am looking forward to that first cup. I will be doing a little pheasant hunting later today.

I found myself waking up a few times during the night and during those times I was led to pray for some people and as soon as I was finished praying I went back to sleep. It was a sleep that was interrupted a few times but is was a very good rest.

Psalm 121:2-3 My Help comes from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved.  He who keeps you will not slumber. 

Why did the Holy Spirit wake me up? I am not sure as why I needed to pray at that time of night. But I did recall a lesson in it. Before I went to bed I asked God to show me what to write in the morning. I see it now. In waking to pray for others I was reassured myself. We have a 24/7 365 days per year God who does not slumber. He is there in our darkest hours anytime day or night. We can call on Him when we can't sleep or life has us tossing and turning.

So as you go through this day remember our lesson. When you need Him, He is always there. And it is a privilege to be called on by God to talk and pray no matter what the time is. It is a honor to be called and time spent with God should never be considered a burden. He doesn't see us as a burden. He loves to hear from us.

Love you all,



  1. Marty, I to am sometimes awakened in the night with someone on my heart, wondering if l might be to busy during the day to hear the LORD.

    1. Ray. Probably not too busy to hear. But when it is the only thing you hear, you know it is God.
