Thursday, October 31, 2019

Something New? Find The Good 10/31/2019

Good Morning,

I just poured myself a cup of Door County Breakfast Blend Coffee and it is warming this body up very quickly. Now to warm my soul with some written thoughts.

This morning we awoke to a blanket of snow on the ground. It was the first measurable snowfall for our area this year.  I have witnessed snow like this in October before. Flurries are common but snow like this doesn't happen all that often. November is usually the month that really starts off winter for us.

Philippians 4:8 Finally brothers,, what ever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, if there is anything praiseworthy think on these things.

So once again I am writing about our new puppy Leo. When I went to take him outside this morning Leo encountered snow on his feet and a cold welcome to the morning. He didn't quite know what to make of the snowy tundra and he was a little confused. It only took a moment for his mind to be blown away with the snow. For the next ten minutes he ran and jumped around like a grasshopper on steroids. I let him just fly around the yard and enjoy something that soon will become the new normal until spring arrives. He really enjoyed the run time and his first snow.

Friends my point is short today. Sometimes we have to experience something new in our lives. For instance, different weather, a new job, or how about be married after being single all your life? A new neighbor moves in after your old pals moved to Arizona to be free of the snow. At first the new experiences can be a little odd to deal with. But given time, you become used to them and they become the new normal. Today Leo rolled around in the snow. I brought him in and brushed his coat, which he needed. I found the good in the snow fall. Today you might be experiencing something new and it might not be comfortable at first. Give it a chance to grow on you and look for the good in it.

When we were first married, my wife Rene asked me if I would like some toast for breakfast. I answered with a yes please and soon after I had a plate of two pieces of warm bread. I looked on both sides for anything that was toasted brown. I basically had warm bread "without butter". She was eating hers and smiling at me. My thoughts were this. " I will never last eating warm bread and calling it toast".  But a couple of days later I was home with a day off from work and Rene had gone to work. I knew then that I had missed the point. I had someone to eat breakfast with yesterday and now I was reminded that I was alone a month ago and how much better breakfast was when I had someone to eat it with.

We solved my toast issue just by talking and stating my preferences.  It has been happy toast ever since!

Find the good and the adjustment is that much easier.



  1. Paul enjoys his bread almost blackened. I like my warm bread. So his side of the toaster is set on Darkest, mine on lightest. But I am committed to love him, even if he does not like the same things that I do. Thanks for sharing.
