Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Birch Tree Has To Go. 10/19/2019

Good Morning,

Sunrise is about 30 minutes away give or take a few. I welcome the day with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Maple Coffee. Today is the first time in a long time that I made a full pot for myself. I feel the need for an insulated bottle of hot coffee to travel with me on my errands today.

Psalm 1:1-3 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seats of scoffers, but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by a stream of water that yields it's fruit in season and his leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.

Back in 1994 we planted a white birch tree in the middle of our front yard, It was a pathetic looking twig when we planted it and I never gave it much of a chance to be anything. It proved me wrong. When we purchased the sapling for $19 it was all we could afford. Times were tight and planting more mature trees was not an option for us. Through the years the young tree grew and became the centerpiece of the front yard. It grew a lot larger than expected and provided beauty as well as shade to our home. Over the last three years it was apparent that old age had crept into the limbs of that faithful tree, Leaves were falling off in July branches were drying out and falling off. Last winter we went into a sub zero deep freeze and I believe it finally was too much for the old tree. It barely budded this spring and the new leaves started to fall in June, We tried everything we could do to revive our old friend, but nothing worked. A tree expert was hired for one last ditch effort and he basically pronounced our tree as deceased. In a couple of weeks the tree will be cut down and one good pile of firewood will be made out of the wood. In it's loss it will serve us one more time with heat.  He did say to us that with the loss of the white birch our other trees will reap the benefit of more sun. Only time will tell if this will hold true.

I did learn something from that tree though. Remember I said that I didn't see much hope for it in the beginning. It was the sorriest looking thing I ever planted. But with some nurturing and lots of sunshine that tree flourished. It stood proud and tall, beautified the yard, wore some Christmas lights now and then, and provided shade to us.

We all know someone like that tree. They don't stand out in a crowd and many people pass them by thinking they might not have something to offer as far as work, opinions, ideas, or talents. But I am here to say that we often make a huge mistake by pigeon holing people. I don't believe that my career while working was too much to brag about. But one accomplishment for me stands out. While working at a large medical center many years ago, I would receive packages sent to me and one of my departments daily. They would be ushered in from the shipping and receiving department by a young man. The order was already checked by him and he would pile the boxes neatly and come in and ask for a signature. He always smiled at me and said please and thank you. After I would sign for the shipments he would leave and rush off to his next delivery. I watched this guy for a year. Consistent and hard working is how I would describe him. After a year went by I had an opening in one of my departments. My daily delivery arrived as usual, but before Speedy could rush out of the door I asked him a question.  "Why haven't you asked me for a job in my department"? His reply was honest. "Your team is skilled at what they do. I could never do this, but I am flattered that you would ask the question. I wish I could ask you but I wouldn't want to let you down."  I had been praying about asking this hard worker this question. I told him what I saw in him every day, He was surprised that I noticed his work ethics. I explained to him that I would like for him to apply for an entry level position. Our employer would pay for any schooling he might need. He jumped at the chance, shook my hand and said " I hope I never let you down."  He didn't. While my career kept me there for a couple more years this man excelled in everything that was given to him to do. His schooling took him to a more skilled position and beyond. My career kept me in the same organization but led to different positions and then retirement. I watched his career grow over the years and whenever his name came up  during a discussion, whoever he was reporting to at the time would just spew forth praises about him. All he needed was a chance. Like that little tree he grew where he was planted and reached onward and upward. I just received a thank you card in the mail. It was from this fella I speak of. He congratulated me on my retirement and thanked me for the opportunity to step up many years ago.

This was not written to blow my horn but to remind all of us to watch for someone who just needs a chance and then get behind them. You  just never know what can happen. In his note to me, he too announced that he would be retiring soon. I can only imagine what he will accomplish now.

God bless,
