Sunday, October 20, 2019

Polish Food And Accordion Music

Good Morning,

My day started hours ago and I am behind in my writing. The old Door County Autumn Spice Coffee hit the spot while sitting in the dark waiting for some geese to fly.

Psalm 57:7 My heart,  O God, is steadfast. I will sing and make music.

Last night my wife Rene and I were asked to accompany to other couples for dinner. We went to a restaurant who's specialty is Polish Food. The dinner hall also had a very experienced accordion player/ singer for entertainment. The food was delicious and the music was superb. It reminded me of days gone by when polka bands weren't uncommon on our side of town. The music brought back some memories of seeing my parents, aunts and uncles as well as my grandparents dance. The music was so good that I felt a little light on my toes but I don't think the restaurant would have appreciated my polka moves. But I was ready to bust them out. I was able to control my enthusiasm pretty well by singing along with some of the tunes. Anyway Rene reminded me that she never read anything about my knee joint replacements having a damage warranty because someone took over the Polka Emporium like one of the worst dancers who ever competed for Dancing With The Stars 

Now for five of us at the table the music and the food was not foreign to us. But for my wife this was a new adventure for her. She ate cautiously and asked me a lot of questions about blood soup and if the meatballs were made from duck blood also. She had only heard about duck blood soup and had formed an inedible opinion of Polish food. I was patient with her and before I knew it she had ventured to a couple of other items in the Polish buffet. Rene is a retired grandma now and she was so proud of herself for trying something for the first time. I asked her if she would return to for another try at some more Polish food and she replied with an emphatic "YES"

Friends, young and old alike! Hear me when I say, you should try things for the first time every now and then. If it really is something that won't hurt you, is legal, and is within a good moral compass, try it. God put it out there and it is a diverse world with many treats out there to be enjoyed. If you end up not liking it, then it's just not for you. As for me Sushi gets one more try and if it tastes anything like my last try I will be moving on to something else. But at least try it. I never thought I would appreciate antiques until I tried shopping for them with Rene. I found a talent that I never knew I had or wanted. I really enjoy re-purposing things and restoring them.

So live big or stay home. As for me and my house we will be trying Brazilian food next. 

God bless,


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