Sunday, October 13, 2019

The First Fire Of The Year and Cancer 10/13/2019

Good Morning,

My mug was just filled with Door County Autumn Spice Coffee. My heart was filled with prayer and kind thoughts for all of you who will read this today. May God's face shine upon you.

Matthew 6:9-13 
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. 
Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. 
Forgive us our debts and we forgive our debtors
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power
and the glory forever. Amen

Earlier this morning I took my first cup of coffee outside while I let our older dog run around a little. I was sitting in the dark in my pajamas and it is a little cold outside this morning. Before heading outside I started the first fire of the year in our fireplace. It was needed to take the chill out of the house. It was so nice sitting outside. The smoke coming from the chimney was headed straight up as it should. The dry oak and maple wood were burning just fine. But it did permeate the air with a smokey flavor. Just enough to let me know that the cold days are coming and this will be the first of many fires to heat the house. The smoke alone that brought me some fond memories today.

I stayed outside until a slight rain started to wash my bald head. My mother didn't raise a fool and that was the signal to come inside and write. The heat coming from the hearth felt good. I am supposed to be somewhere else today but it's not going to happen and the duck hunt will have to wait for me. While sitting outside I was reminded to pray for my buddies who are headed out for a week of duck hunting adventures. God willing I might be able to join them later this week.

After that prayer left my lips I found myself in the Spirit and those with serious cancer who I am aware of came into my mind. Right now there are a lot of people with this dreaded disease on my prayer list as well as others with different infirmities. No one ever wants to hear the dreaded word "cancer", or the word that leads up to it. "Tumor"  Once that word enters the room there is usually silence for a minute and then the questions begin.  Then on the drive home thoughts that no one ever wants, start rumbling through minds that were entertaining happier thoughts just a few days before.
Then you look at your family and you can already see that the dreaded word impacted them in a way that is full of fear of the unknown.

Friends I have seen cancer go two ways. There have been many instances of healing and then I have watched the long battles and the bad outcome in the end. The only thing I could do for this long list of mine was to recall all of them and pray for healing and leave the rest up to God. His will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.

Here is where you come in. This is a frightening time for your friends and family who are experiencing this. Your job is to stay positive despite what you see. Be there in any way you can for them and pray like you have never prayed before. Let God show them His love through you. Walk the extra mile with them and their families. Celebrate recovery when and if God wills a recovery.

Food for thought today. God bless.

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