Monday, September 30, 2019

When God Paints A Picture 9/30/2019

Good Morning,

Fog and dreariness seem to have a hold on our part of the world today. I am cutting the fog in my head with a cup of Door County Caramel Latte Coffee.

Today I was led to talk about opening your spiritual eyes to what God does around you. If you have been blessed with sight and good vision you are able to see the Great Painter at work.

Psalm 139:7-10  7. Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence?
8. If I ascend to heaven you are there. If I make my bed in Sheol, You are there. 9.If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the see, 10. even there Your hand will lead me, and Your right hand will hold me.

Each time you see something from where you are positioned only you see it from that view. If there is a person next to you they see it from about one foot differently right or left of you. Our Father In Heaven, knows exactly what you saw and at what moment. He painted the canvas of that moment just for you.

So for instance I like to see the sun rise and then set later in the day. God knows where I will be and just how it will look for only me. What you might see is different from what I see. It might be equally beautiful, but from my vantage point only I saw what He painted.

It could be the moment you saw your first and only child come into the world. It could be the gift of a grand baby and grandma embracing him or her. It might be the gift of seeing that puppy finally flush and retrieve his first bird.

We were supposed to get away with two other couples this coming weekend and see the Fall colors in Door County Wisconsin. Circumstances will keep us from joining our dear friends. I can only imagine what they will see when the venture North and take in God's brush strokes of Fall.  He will paint a glorious picture for them to see and each one of them will know that they are special and He created a scene that even a photo will not do justice to.

Friends, you might be in the scenes of life that are not all that beautiful right now. War, loss of a loved one, lack of a job, a home split with fighting and arguing, or health that is failing. I ask you this. Open your spiritual eyes and watch for something of beauty God wants you to see and you will be the only one who sees it from where you are standing or sitting.  In the midst of war God may have one flower blooming on the battle field and it is telling you He is there. You might be sitting at a funeral and you see someone come through the door, someone you haven't seen in a long time. It is someone you love. Capture that moment. God painted it for you. He is there. There might not be a job today, but the puppy at your feet is glad you are home. He is there. In a home full of strife, just maybe God will plant one kind word or a hummingbird at your window or geese flying in formation for you. He is there. It might be that as your health has failed or is holding you up from doing the things you desire, you see a rabbit munching on grass outside and he is at peace just eating. He is there.

Rene and I will take a short drive on Friday and go North of our home just to see the colors  of fall before the winter art work of God takes over.  We can't be where we wanted to be but we can and will see what God will paint for us to see. He will be there.

Friends, open your eyes and see what God shows you today. Take a picture of it if at all possible. He painted it just for you an no one else.


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