Friday, October 11, 2019

Celebrating Clean Underwear 10/11/2019

Good Morning,

I feel so blessed to be drinking a cup of Door County Autumn Spice Coffee today. I made it a little stronger than normal and heated it up to the boiling point, It just seemed to pour itself all over me from the inside out.

James 1:17  All good things come from God and are a perfect gift from above. They come down from the Father who created all the lights of heaven.

Tomorrow night after our Saturday evening service we will be holding a potluck dinner. We will be celebrating just being together and dining on casseroles and soup. Rene and I will be working on a dish of pheasant and goose today. We will be celebrating a great goose hunting season thus far. At this time I am still undecided as to what soup we will make. It might be cream of wild rice soup or vegetable beef. Just not sure at all as to what will be in the pot.

What does this have to do with a devotional except to make you hungry? My quick point is this. Who celebrates a great goose hunting season? Not too many people is the answer. But life has been a little bit of a downer lately with some health issues sidelining me from just about everything. So I find that it is important to celebrate, and be grateful for the good, as well as the trials. Friends, we just don't celebrate enough.

Maybe this has been a tough week at work and now it is over. Celebrate! It could be that for one of your children or grandchildren a better grade in some class where they struggle showed up this week. Celebrate! A friend or family member received some good health news Celebrate!  You have family and friends.  Imagine telling them that you are celebrating them!! Celebrate. The washing machine died after twenty years of service. Celebrate getting twenty years out of a mechanical piece of equipment and the fact that your underwear will be cleaner with a new washer. Maybe all the bills are paid for the month now and there is enough money left over for a pizza. Celebrate. You woke up today and that one is never guaranteed. Celebrate. The new puppy did not pee in the house for two weeks. Celebrate and clean the carpeting. 

Friends, celebrate often. Look for things to celebrate. We spend too much time giving heed to the rough things of life. Take time to give thanks to God for the good and celebrate. Look for any silver lining in the bad and celebrate.  I once read about a mother who had just lost her six year old daughter to heaven.  She smiled and said that she was celebrating her daughter's life. She explained that for her, the silver lining was that she had her daughter for six years and she couldn't imagine life without those six years.
She was celebrating during what will be one of the hardest days of her life and she was comforting others. 

So put a smile on that face and celebrate something today. If it is really hard for you to find something to celebrate, be thankful that you don't have to live with me and feel sorry for my wife.

God bless,


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