Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Finding Your Way In The Dark 10/9/2019

Good Morning,

A cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee is steaming next to me and I have a Springer Spaniel at my feet. It is very quiet in the house and now it is time to write.

Did you know that the top two accidents within a home are #1. falling objects, followed up by trips and falls at #2?

I was not surprised to find this fact out. As one who travels through swamps and forests in the dark on my hunting excursions I can see this as a reality. I actually fell a lot more and was introduced to a splash down in icy cold water when I was younger compared to now. The difference I believe is this. Headlamps and flashlights have come a long way especially since the LED lights came on the scene. I have a headlamp that can illuminate a river like a big spotlight.

But where do I stub my toe or stumble the most? In my own home, because I tend to travel at night through the house without turning on any lights. I rely on my memory of where things are or were in our home. Recently Rene put out some decorations to have the house look more like Fall than summer. She likes to do this. She likes to do this after I go to bed. She didn't finish her project and left a small ladder out in the middle of the walk from the bedroom to the kitchen. No! I did not have another accident in the home. I did however want a drink of water at about 2 AM. Naturally I am spoiled and just had to have ice in the water. Learning from my past experiences told me to turn on a light as I crossed the arid desert of our home to soothe my parched throat at the well known as the kitchen. Sure as shooting there was the short ladder in my pathway. Without lights there would have been a small collision near the kitchen sink.

Friends, life was never meant to be navigated without the light of God leading us through it. We need not travel through wondering which way to turn or how we will get through the dark times. Much better than any LED floodlight is God's Word to guide us. I have an old railroad lantern in my garage. It was my grandfather's when he worked for the railroad many years ago. It still works. The lantern was used to signal the train engineers at crossings or to notify them of a change in the tracks as well as for the track man to be able to see at night. They relied on the lantern's signals and the one holding the light to guide them correctly.  In the 23rd Psalm,  David states that God leads us like a shepherd leads sheep by still waters and makes us to lay down in green grass.  God also has given us His word to direct our paths, especially when things look grim or dark to us.

Psalm 119:105 Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. 

Friend,s don't stumble through life. Lean on God to direct you, guide you, and keep you from causing harm to yourself in mind and deed. Experience a daily devotion time and spend it in prayer and reading your Bible.

God bless,


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