Saturday, October 5, 2019

A Quiet House. Something Isn't Right. Or is it? 10/5/2019

Good Morning,

I just came in from our patio. I had a cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee outside today. It was a bit chilly out there this morning. The fresh air did me good as I heal up from illness and injury.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. 

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. 

This morning our home is unusually quiet.  And as much as I like peace and quiet, it is almost a painful silence. I have to put the finishing touches on a sermon for tonight and the quiet will help.

A month ago we brought home a new English Springer Spaniel Puppy "Leo". Our mornings since then have been charged with puppy chaos and high energy. There has been the need to house break (Potty Train) the puppy which is going quite well.  But there have been some mad rushes to get him outside to avoid a "situation" or three.  Now there are two dogs in the home and the playing that goes on is very noisy now and then. But even that is going much better. They are bonding!

I have been down with an illness which had to get worse before it got better.  During this time I also twisted my foot which has me walking more than gingerly. So the puppy training for hunting and obedience has been set back a little too long. We needed some help. Our good friend and kennel owner was able to squeeze Leo in for a two week boarding and training camp experience. We took him up to the kennel which is located North of where we live. Leo was born there and it didn't take much for him to run to the other dogs on the grounds. He didn't realize yet that he was staying there. He looked back and it hit him that we were going to leave. He back pedaled but was encouraged by our friend to go into the shelter. Needless to say that our drive home was very quiet. We have grown attached to the little guy and he is now "family"

Once we were back in the house our older dog Gibbs greeted us but he was looking for Leo. He looked and looked. Now the older guy is somewhat depressed today and is walking around like his world ended. He must not remember the little guy pouncing on him and disturbing his sleep all the time. He has no one to fight  and play with.

Now, we have kenneled dogs before, but as we grow older I have become painfully aware that I am getting soft and sappy. Leo is in good hands and will be better for having had a lot of training attention. But I found myself saying a small prayer for the little guy last night, that he will adapt to his temporary surroundings. I had to spend more time with the older guy last night and actually play with him like Leo would.

Friends don't leave me here. The point of the day is this. As hard as it was to admit that I needed some help and as hard as it was to leave Leo for two weeks, it had to be done. There are times when a decision is difficult to make because of emotions or old age sappiness. But the decision and right one at that, has to be made and followed through on. God will and does help us with the knowledge of what decision to make.

Children are the same way. As much as people love their kids and sacrifice for them there are times when more is needed. Private schools are expensive and at times they are the only choice in an attempt to set a child on the correct path. Summer church camps or short term mission trips are expensive but might be just what a child needs. In some instances it requires some time away from home. Single parents working their butts off to make it go, just might need some help but the thought of the child being away just eats at their heart. But before a child goes too far astray a decision or choice might have to be made for the good of the child. The consequences of doing nothing has too many parents claiming their child's body from the morgue after a suicide, drug overdose, or an accident that could have been avoided.

Leo has been bred to hunt. I can see that within him already. He loves to chase the birds in our yard. But if I took him to a field with pheasants he would chase them and think that he could catch them. Birds tend to flush near roads. If a bird came up and I missed the shot, Leo would follow it and head right across a road. You get the picture. Our older dog stops on command and waits for instructions. So as uncomfortable as this quiet house is today, it is for his and our own good that we conceded to needing some help.

There is just a little more here and I will close. Friends, some of these single parents need help financially and if you can help send a kid to school, camp or a mission trip please pray as to how God can use you. Our friend is very busy with many puppies, but he agreed without hesitation to help provide us with a safe and great hunting dog. He made accommodations for us.  You might need to volunteer to help a family with your time.

Pray today for your children and grand kids. They are worth more than you know.



  1. Marty, The help that can be provided is only part of this, the reward the LORD gives the one who provides can be unbelievable.
