Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Spreading The Peanut Butter 8/4/2021

 Good Morning,

I have an interesting day in front of me with a small challenge involved. I am praying for wisdom on how to complete the challenge. To start my day off in the right direction, I prayed, and now I am sipping on a hot cup of Door County Jamaican Me Crazy Coffee.

1 Corinthians 10:31 So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God. 

When it comes to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches my wife likes to have peanut butter on both pieces of bread. The bread needs to be lightly covered with the peanut butter, with no edges exposed. She only likes the jelly or jam on one piece of the bread, but it as to cover that one slice without any edges exposed.

At first when she was showing me how a perfect peanut butter and jelly sandwich should be constructed, I thought she was crazy. I gave her every reason I could think of for not being so fussy. I used the old saying, "It all gets mixed together in your stomach" followed up with, "you know where this all ends up anyway???" She only uses one kind of peanut butter. It's her favorite and supposedly is the easiest to work with.

It didn't matter what I said,  she constructs her PBJ her way and actually has me doing "her way" when I make a sandwich for her.

My point for the day. Everyone has a few ditches they are willing to die in, even if you don't think it matters at all. I asked Rene why she was so fussy about that sandwich. I received an instant reply. " I worked in a hospital for 40 years. Sometimes my lunches were interrupted for an emergency. I ate my lunches in a hospital where we worked. I didn't go outside to a park, or did I go to a noisy cafeteria. Our small break room was a place of refuge for 15 or 30 minutes. After a hectic morning I wanted to sit down in peace, read my bible, and eat a perfect sandwich. I usually always prayed to have God bless my food and I thought I did not want to ask Him to bless something that was just thrown together."

So now I knew. When I was spreading the peanut butter perfectly, I was spreading it for God. All things great or small do them right or not at all.


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