Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Aim High 8/17/2021

 Good Morning,

Another day closer to a goal we set a year ago. It is a joy to be writing today and also I pleasure to be drinking a hot cup of Door County Bourbon Pecan Pie Coffee. 

My wife Rene and I set a goal for ourselves a year ago. I am not ready to share that goal with the public yet, but in our minds it was a lofty goal, and with the Lord's help we will achieve the goal very soon. There have been quite a few road blocks to our goal and now it is within sight. When we first set the goal, we both looked at each other and said, "probably not going to happen, but let's give it a shot." 

So now we sit on the precipice of achieving that goal and even though it is just days away, I am concerned about many things that could cause us to fall short of fully achieving our goal.

Proverbs 16:9 The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.

What am I doing about it? There were days throughout this last year that I forgot to pray about this goal. Not anymore! Each day is now a day that contains prayer for this goal. And in my prayer my voice can be heard "Your will be done Lord". You see, we can aim high on our goals and think that just because we decided on a goal it should be accomplished. Yet God holds the key to our obtaining each and every goal we set for ourselves. Without Him, our goals are nothing. But always aim high in your goals. Better to aim high and almost reach a goal than to aim low and achieve your goal every time. It's when aiming high, we spend more time in prayer and if it is God's will, the victory tastes sweeter. 

Have a great day. Set goals and aim high. 


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