Saturday, August 14, 2021

Mowing The Lawn 8/14/2021

 Good Morning, 

A big cup of Door County Breakfast Blend Coffee is brewing as I begin to write. It won't be too long before that brew is next to me, waking me up to greet the day with a cheer.

Yesterday it was apparent that with the hot weather and rain we have been experiencing, our lawn came back from hibernation and is growing  like it is on steroids. I thought for a moment I could hear it laughing at me. I chuckled back at the lawn and said, "It won't be too long and you will be frozen, covered with snow, and stagnate, just lying there collecting frozen dog poop."

You are now thinking, what kind of nut talks to his lawn?  For one, the lawn doesn't talk back and after a week of listening to more political babel from television to Facebook, I would rather converse with the lawn than with some of the people I talked with this week or read about. 

There is so much negative talk now days that my lawn seems to be about 100 points ahead in the IQ arena than those who always disagree, just to disagree. One thing for sure, my lawn never interrupts me, listens intently, and asks only for water and a haircut now and then. It never lies to me and then tries to explain a way out of the lie. Much of the banter I have encountered are filled with pretty clever lies.

Proverbs 26:4 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself. 

Psalm 101:7 No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utter lies shall continue before my eyes.

Listen long enough to those who are trying to convince you that they know best and this is the way to go, and you will eventually see right into their heart. It isn't pretty.

Enough said for today. 



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