Monday, August 16, 2021

Good Old Doctor Babbitz 8/16/2021

 Good Morning,

I am looking forward to working with a friend today at a hospital in Central Wisconsin. I usually work alone and this is a treat for me to have a work partner. I really appreciate the hot cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee I have with me. It is time to write.

For some reason, I was recalling a memory from my childhood. I believe it was triggered by the sign on a car that was parked in a neighbor's driveway. The sign indicated that the passenger was a doctor who was making a house call. The concept is not new, but as I recall has not really been practiced for a long time. 

When I was a little kid, my pediatrician actually would come to the house. He had an answering service who took 24 hour calls and he would sort the calls by priority and acuity. He always called back. No matter what time it was. I recall one night when my parents were concerned about a fever that I had contracted. It was late, yet they placed the call. It wasn't too long before Dr. Babbitz  arrived to our home and started to check me out. He was a kind, older fellow and even at my young age I felt very much safer with him on the scene. I knew that I was very ill. A few minutes after his first look at me, he pronounced that it would be best if my parents took me to a hospital. I needed more intense care. A neighbor came and sat with my sleeping sister. My parents followed the doctor to the hospital for children. I was there for two weeks until I recovered. I had lost 20 pounds and looked like skin on bones. Every day Dr. Babbitz would visit me in the hospital and reassure me that they would figure out this illness and I would get better. Although I healed up, it was a long road of weekly visits for immunotherapy. My dad had to work, and many times my mother would take us two kids on a bus to meet with him and I would get a shot or two. One day, it was very cold and we had an appointment  to be seen and treated. The phone rang, and it was our favorite pediatrician, telling my mother to stay inside and he would once again stop by and bring his dagger of pain for my rump on his way home. He saw me through a long haul. 

My point is this. I know someone who always make house calls 24 hours a day and has our best interest in mind. Whenever we call on Him, he responds. He is the only expert at matters of the heart, loneliness, pain or sorrow. He can restore music to a soul where there wasn't any. He can make you feel good about yourself and give you a future. He sees you through to the end. All you need to do is call on Him

Luke 5:31-32 Jesus said, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous , but all to repentance. 

Food for thought!


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