Thursday, August 19, 2021

Pride Might Be A Repellent 8/19/2021

 Good Morning,

The alarm clock was like a barking dog in my ear today. I need a quick cup of Door County Vanilla Creme Brulee Coffee and it will soon be time to run to the Jeep and get going. 

Psalm 138:6 Though the Lord is supreme, He takes care of those who are humble, but He stays away from the proud. 

It is a human trait to take pride in our abilities and accomplishments. For instance, our physical abilities. our IQ, musical talents, bank accounts, who hangs on our arm and calls us honey, and our children, we take for granted and praise ourselves. We forget that each one of those on the list was a gift given to us by God. I will dare to say this, if you forget where those gifts came from and give yourself the credit, you actually base your pride on a myth. 

Worse than living a myth in your head, the pride you show works like a bug repellent. God stays away from the proud. Your odor pushes God away from the center of your life. You can add effort to what God has given you. But just as He gave, He can also take away.

Just some food for thought.


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